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Viardot made her reappearance on the French stage at the Théâtre Italien as Arsace in "Semiramide," supported by Mme. Grisi and Tamburini. There was at this time such a trio of singers as is rarely found at any one theatre, Pauline Viardot, Giulia Grisi, and Fanny Persiani, each one possessing voice and talent of the highest character in her own peculiar sphere.

In mere magnitude the present quadrangle is something more than four times the extent of the Louvre of the time of Charles V. This courtyard of the Louvre is perhaps that spot in all Paris which presents the greatest array of Renaissance art treasures. From ground to sky-line the façades are embroidered by the works from the magic hand of the Siècle Italien.

Eichholz, neue Briefe uber italien. 4 vols. 8vo. Zurich, 1806. Reise nach Dalmatien und Ragusa. Von. E.F. Germar, 8vo. Leip. 1817. Viaggio Geologico sur diversi Parti Meriodinali dell Italia. Milan, 1804. 8vo.

The original scenes were produced by the Italian comedians at the Hotel de Bourgogne, 5 March, 1684. Their popularity did not wane for many a decade. In the fifth edition of Gherardi's Theatre Italien there are far fuller excerpts from the farce than in the first edition . p. 392 who now cannot supply one. The Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. If Mrs.

Laurent, the manager of the Theatre Italien, succeeded in making a contract by which Sontag was to sing in Paris for fifty thousand francs a year, with a congé of three months.

The number of theatres in Paris have of late years much increased, and amount at present to eight or ten. The Opera Italien is justly celebrated as the best in Europe; but I received more entertainment at the Theatre François, in witnessing the representation of one of the admirable comedies of Molière.

It is true that the opinions and feelings of the spectators in the boxes could not be otherwise than favourable, and great pains had been taken, previously to these two performances, to fill the pit with proper persons. But, on the other hand, the Jacobins took the same precautions on their side at the Theatre Italien, and the tumult was excessive there.

Literary establishments and societies, especially those of Paris, and the state of mathematical, physical, and chemical science, are particularly attended to by this author. Arndt, Reisen durch einer Theil Deutschlands, Ungaren, Italien, und Franckreichs, 1798, 1799. 4 vols. 8vo. Leip. 1804. Reisen durch das Osterreich, Illyrien, Dalmatien, und Albanien, 1818. 2 vols. 8vo. Meissen, 1822.

The conduct of the conductor and musicians at the production of "Les Vepres Siciliennes" had angered Verdi; and when M. Halanzier, the director of the Academie Nationale, asked for the opera in 1873, his request was refused. Thus it happened that the Theatre Italien secured the right of first performance in Paris.

Pasta's second great part at the Theatre Italien was in Rossini's "Tancredi," an impersonation which was one of the most enchanting and finished of her lighter rôles. "She looked resplendent in the casque and cuirass of the Red Cross Knight. No one could ever sing the part of Tancredi like Mine.