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Eichholz, neue Briefe uber italien. 4 vols. 8vo. Zurich, 1806. Reise nach Dalmatien und Ragusa. Von. E.F. Germar, 8vo. Leip. 1817. Viaggio Geologico sur diversi Parti Meriodinali dell Italia. Milan, 1804. 8vo.

The lamellae are seen around the inside of the cup; the walls consist of cellular tissue; and large transverse plates, called tubulae, divide the interior into chambers. b. Arrangement of the lamellae in Polycoelia profunda, Germar, sp.; natural size: from the Magnesian Limestone, Durham.

Two hundred and thirty men of Weimar and Coburg, commanded by Major Germar, defended themselves to the last; the house in which they were being at length completely surrounded and set on fire by the Tyrolese, they surrendered. This spot was afterward known as the "Sachsenklemme." A man of Passeyr is said to have captured a three-pounder and to have carried it on his shoulders across the mountain.

Professor Germar has given to a species of beetle the name Lonchophorus, but the same had already been described by Mac Leay, under the name of Phanæus. Eighthly, a Clio, about a line in length, with a projection from the globular part of the body.