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She would fain inquire the length of his journey, its object and the probable time of his return, but, indulgent to his harmless love of mystery, interrogates him only by a look. He tells her not to expect him positively by the return-coach nor to be alarmed should he tarry three or four days, but, at all events, to look for him at supper on Friday evening.

I wish them to be promulgated immediately." "But, my Lord, if the Lord Chancellor interrogates me upon the motives which may have led your Grace to adopt such an extraordinary measure, what shall I reply?" "That such is my pleasure, and that I answer for my will to no man."

I know what your mind's bent upon tobacco." "I confess it, colonel. I want a smoke, bad as ever I did in my life." "Sol." "But why don't you both have it, then?" It is Adela who thus innocently interrogates. "For the best of all reasons," rejoins her brother. "We haven't the wherewith." "What! no cigarittos? I saw some yesterday on one of the shelves." "But not to day.

Citizens of Paris, honest yet weak men, there is not one of you who, when he interrogates his own heart, does not feel how much the country how much he its child are insulted by these outrages offered to the laws, to those who execute them, and those who are for them.

Like enough, there's some connection between their lightning and that of the sky. If so, that's what has quickened the brutes, and made them so mad. Well," he adds, as if drawing his account to a conclusion, "mad as they are, I'd like to have one frizzling over this fire." "But who eats them, Gaspar?" interrogates Ludwig, still incredulous on the question of their being a fit article of diet.

"On the Committee of March 20, "Paillasse, half drunk, gives a dissertation on the way to carry on the war, and interrogates and censures the Minister. The poor Minister evades his questions with cafe gossip and a review of campaigns. These are the men placed at the head of the government to save the Republic!"

When arrived at the Madeleine, "Since we are out," said Beauchamp, "let us call on M. de Monte Cristo; he is admirably adapted to revive one's spirits, because he never interrogates, and in my opinion those who ask no questions are the best comforters." "Gladly," said Albert; "I love him let us call." The Journey. Monte Cristo uttered a joyful exclamation on seeing the young men together.

"But what are they like, Gaspar? I've never seen one." It is Ludwig who still interrogates; but to his last question Cypriano, not Gaspar, gives the answer, saying: "Oh, cousin! Do you mean to say you've never seen an electric eel?" "Indeed do I. I've heard father speak of them often, and I know them by their scientific name, gymnotus.

There is indeed a work, entitled "Plain Questions," which is attributed to a legendary emperor of the Golden Age, who interrogates one of his ministers on the cause and cure of all kinds of diseases; as might be expected, it is not of any real value, nor can its date be carried back beyond a few centuries B.C.

He interrogated me as a corkscrew interrogates a cork. That consumed the whole of luncheon. I made a poor show. My experiment, such as it is, stood none of the tests he applied to it. It appeared to be lacking in all earnestness and zeal. I was painfully conscious of my lack of earnestness.