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"She would say it is insufferably hot." "Yes; that she would. Do not you think we might have that window open? The rain does not come in on that side. Did you ever see such a feast as the children have got? I am sure poor Elizabeth and I never managed such a one. It is really a pity Mrs Rowland should not see it. Mr Rowland should have made her come.

These are fortunately of the finest otherwise Venice would be insufferably dull. Reading Ruskin is good; reading the old records is perhaps better; but the best thing of all is simply staying on. The only way to care for Venice as she deserves it is to give her a chance to touch you often to linger and remain and return.

A moment to take breath, and press his torn and bleeding fingers to his lips; then, reaching down, he gave a hand to his companion and dragged him to the same place of vantage. They found themselves in a long narrow cockloft, not more than six feet high at the highest, and insufferably hot.

To "society" people it would have proved insufferably dull, because society people, lacking intelligence to do anything themselves, always want everything done for them. Weircombe folk would not have understood that method of living. To them it seemed proper and reasonable that men, and women too, should work for what they ate.

Outwardly I was attractive; and the old woman, who had married two husbands merely for their looks, delighted in feeling that she had the power to retain me by her side at an age when most boys avoid old people as if they were the pestilence. And then I pretended to love her, and obeyed all her insufferably tiresome behests. But I longed to wreak vengeance upon her all the same.

Curtis was piloted into an elevator by an affable negro, was conducted to 605, which, of course, lay on the sixth floor, and was plunged forthwith into the prosaic business of consigning a good deal of soiled linen to the laundry. The room was insufferably hot, so he directed the negro attendant to shut off the radiator, and himself threw open the window.

You always have such insufferably hot weather on your birthdays, Bessie. 'It will be cool enough on the hills by-and-by, said Bess, apologetically. 'I daresay there will be a cold wind, returned Urania, who wore an unmistakable air of discontent. 'There generally is on these unnatural September days.

I followed his advice: a few strokes brought up the bilge water, than which nothing at that time could have been more insufferably nauseous! I left the pump in disgust, and retiring to the after part of the quarter-deck, threw myself down on a coil of rope, unable longer to struggle with my fate.

"Thank you, sir, I believe not, as what I have already heard does not tempt me to prosecute the subject." "You think me insufferably presumptuous?" "That is a word which I should scarcely be justified in applying to you." "You regard me as meddlesome and tyrannical?" She shook her head. "I generally prefer to receive answers to my questions. Pray, what do you consider me?"

Besides which, numerous little private incidentals had to be put in running order for a month, and she realized with a pang at parting with some of her simple, sincere proteges that were this part of her life withdrawn, the rest would pall insufferably. The evening before their departure she stood bareheaded upon the steps of the veranda with Louis, who was enjoying a post-prandial smoke.