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His visits were understood to be quite unfinished, and he left every house pledged to return and take up things at the point where he had been obliged to break off, and so he came at last in this matter of visitation into a condition of hopeless insolvency.

My three guardians have been unremitting in their attentions, particularly Mr. Rockamore, who calls daily. He has just left me." "Miss Lawton, I have decided that the time has come for us to declare ourselves openly not in regard to the mystery of your father's insolvency, but concerning the disappearance of Ramon Hamilton.

In some States, courts of probate and insolvency, and in all justices of the peace when holding court, are paid by such fees as they may receive, at statutory rates, for business done.

This insolvency, and the divorce especially, offended Napoleon deeply, who always felt a great repugnance for divorced people. Before this, the Emperor had wished to raise his brother to the rank of sovereign, by making him marry the Queen of Etruria, who had lost her husband.

There is no quantity of capital that could be offered to be lent, which the productive classes would not be willing to borrow, at any rate of interest which would afford them the slightest excess of profit above a bare equivalent for the additional risk, incurred by that transaction, of the evils attendant on insolvency.

The Stock Exchange was strongly represented, Jerusalem was strongly represented, the bores of the prosier London clubs were strongly represented. Fortune-hunters of all denominations were there, from hirsute insolvency, in a curricle, to closely- buttoned swindlery in doubtful boots, on the sharp look-out for any likely young gentleman disposed to play a game at billiards round the corner.

He sent a party of wreckers who pitched their camps on Snake Island, where they had plenty of grass, scrub, and timber. The work of taking out the cargo was continued under various captains for six years, and then Mr. Grose lost a schooner and was himself landed in the Court of Insolvency. While the pioneers at the Old Port were on the verge of starvation, the 'Clonmel' men were living in luxury.

The pleasantest was to dine luxuriously at some expensive restaurant; and then, after declaring insolvency, be handed over quietly and without uproar to a policeman. An accommodating magistrate would do the rest. Soapy left his bench and strolled out of the square and across the level sea of asphalt, where Broadway and Fifth Avenue flow together.

That amidst so rotten an economic condition every financial or political crisis should occasion the most dreadful confusion, was to be expected from the nature of the case; we need hardly mention that the usual phenomena the disappearance of capital, the sudden depreciation of landed estates, innumerable bankruptcies, and an almost universal insolvency made their appearance now during the civil war, just as they had done during the Social and Mithradatic wars.

In the following extract from a speech it is difficult to be sure how many times metaphors are mixed; readers versed in the mysteries of oscillation may be able to decide: No society, no community, can place its house in such a condition that it is always on a rock, oscillating between solvency and insolvency.