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She talks naively of her happy childhood, of her small caprices, of the love of her grandmother, Marie de Medicis, of her innocent impressions of the people about her. She dwells with special pleasure upon a grand fete at the Palais Royal, in which she posed as an incipient queen. She was then nineteen. "They were three entire days in arranging my costume," she writes.

I called together the principal physicians, chemists and heads of science, and requested them carefully to study this formidable disease; and, after a time, the discovery was made that all the most fatal cases of consumption were ushered in by the appearance on the lungs of minute incipient spots, which attract and feed on the vital juices of the body.

They are always in a state of incipient political apoplexy, while as for the so-called Liberal Unionists, whenever they are criticised, they never leave off whining and say that it is unchivalrous to attack them while Mr. Chamberlain is disabled. Sorry I am that he is out of the battle, not only on personal, but on public grounds.

"This is not a woman!" declared Philip with heat and eagerness, "at least not the sort of woman I have ever known! This is a forest-empress, sea-goddess, or sun-angel! I don't know what she is, upon my life!" Lorimer regarded him with an air of reproachful offense. "Don't go on please don't!" he implored. "I can't stand it I really can't! Incipient verse-mania is too much for me.

It has been suggested, that slight differences in these organs would suffice to prevent the intercrossing of well-marked varieties or incipient species, and would thus aid in their development. Ent. Mr. Ent. Aug. 'The Practical Entomologist, Philadelphia, vol. ii. Mr. 'Modern Classification of Insects, vol. ii. 1840, pp. 205, 206. Mr. Crabro cribrarius.

"I ask to be answered," replied he, standing with his hands in the pockets of his velveteen shooting coat, a purple tinge of incipient anger rising in his cheeks. "Then Mr. Dancox did spend Monday evening here." "And I saw him walking with you in the meadow by the rill this morning," continued the Captain. "Look here, Katherine, no sweet-hearting with Tom Dancox.

Brigades were sent eastward to the fishing-ground of Cook's Inlet for supplies. Incipient mutiny was quelled by sending more hunters off with Ismyloff to explore new sea-otter fields in Prince William Sound.

An effort has been made to detect incipient tuberculosis and trachoma and segregate and treat those infected, so that healthy families may not be infected through the return of a child who has been infected at school. Regular talks are given to the children on sanitary matters.

The longing for Knight's respect, which was leading up to an incipient yearning for his love, made the present conjuncture a sufficient one.

II. The incipient fulfilment now going on. The prayer has been in process of fulfilment ever since. The dead in Christ have entered on its answer now. We need not discuss difficulties about the 'intermediate state, for this at all events is true, that to be 'absent from the body' is to be 'present with the Lord. A Christian death is an answer to this prayer.