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I couldn't develop an irrigation system from any of the little streams that flowed down the Sierra, because there wasn't enough water, and there was no place to impound it, even if there had been sufficient water. "While I was pondering this peculiar situation, a very strange thing occurred.

As regards the choice of position for the dam of a reservoir, supposing that it is intended to impound the water by throwing an obstruction across a valley, it may be premised that to impound the largest quantity of water with the minimum outlay, the most favorable conditions are present where a more or less broad valley flanked by steep hills suddenly narrows at its lower end, forming a gorge which can be obstructed by a comparatively short dam.

He says Wontner ought to learn manners first, but we thought Trivett turned to Eames, who was less a son of the house than himself, Eames's father being still alive. 'Then, Eames went on, 'he became rather noisome, and we thought we might as well impound the correspondence' he wrinkled his swelled left eye 'and after that, we got him to take a seat in my car.

"And when next ye seek to impound me, come in force, sir come in force!" and letting his mount go, he and Enoch rode away at a swift canter. Young Harding went home that night full of the afternoon's doings, and loud in his praise of Captain Warner's prowess.

Their churches, with red roofs all subdued with lichen into the softest browns, rise above the cottages or farm buildings that surround them in the ideal fashion that is finally repeated at Ouistreham where locks impound the waters of the canal, and a great lighthouse stands out more conspicuously than the church tower.

"Yes, do," said Lieutenant Johnson, gazing longingly at the fish. "There," he cried hastily; "for goodness' sake be off with them, Roberts, or I shall impound the lot and hand them over to the cook. You ought not to put such temptations in a weak man's way."

Of course I impound them with the other IOUs as proof of a conspiracy between you. Now, sirs, am I to tear them up or not?"

Mansergh, frequently been a depth of 5 ft. of flow over it. This dam is built to a radius of 80 ft. only, and as it measures 100 ft. along the crest, must include about the fifth of a circle. It is now under construction, and when completed will impound an area of 1,115 acres.

By 1900 they had increased to 32 head; and then one night some one kindly opened the gate of their enclosure, and gave them the freedom of the city. Mr. Cuppy made no effort to capture them, possibly because they decided to annex his farm as their habitat. When a neighbor led them with a bait of corn to their owner's door, he declined to impound them, on the ground that it was unnecessary.

She wasted little time at the caravansary. The gate was shut and a sleepy watchman cursed her for breaking into his revery. "Horses? Belonging to a Rangar? Fool! Does not the Maharajah-sahib impound all horses left ownerless? Ask them back of him that took them! Go, night-owl! Go ask him!"