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The emphatic words of scripture are true in this respect also, "the people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." An enervated and stunted manhood, a badly developed physique, a marked absence of manly and womanly strength and beauty, are painfully common everywhere. Boys and girls, young men and women, exist by thousands, of whom it may be said, they were badly born and ill-developed.

He died in Edinburgh on the 8th of December, 1859. The Opium-Eater had been a weak, lonely, and over-studious child, and he was a solitary and ill-developed man. His character and his work present strange contradictions. He is most precise in statement, yet often very careless of fact; he is most courteous in manner, yet inexcusably inconsiderate in his behavior.

She has not acquired an erotic personality, she has not mastered the art of love, with the result that her whole nature remains ill-developed and unharmonised, and that she is incapable of bringing her personality having indeed no achieved personality to bring to bear effectively on the problems of society and the world around her.

GATHERED BREAST. A healthy woman with a well-developed breast and a good nipple, scarcely, if ever, has a gathered bosom; it is the delicate, the ill-developed breasted and worse-developed nippled lady who usually suffers from this painful complaint. And why? The evil can generally be traced to girlhood.

I was fifteen at this time, and my sense of humor was as yet ill-developed. I was fond of "larking" and merry enough, but I hated being laughed at! At any rate, I could see no humor in Mr. Sothern's jokes at my expense. He played my lover in "The Little Treasure," and he was always teasing me pulling my hair, making me forget my part and look like an idiot. But for dear old Mr.

In the event of a European war it was further bound to suffer from the facts that its means of communication and its capacity for the movement of great armies were ill-developed; and that it was far behind all its rivals in the control of industrial machinery and applied science, upon which modern warfare depends, and without which the greatest wealth of man-power is ineffective.

Down, for saying that as a rule which has but few exceptions idiocy from birth is more amenable to training than that which comes on afterwards, that in fact it is more hopeful to have to do with an ill-developed than with a damaged brain. The one great question which still remains is what can the parents do for best and wisest whom the affliction has befallen of having an idiot child. First.

The term at once calls up images of stunted figures with ill-developed brains, half-witted creatures, hardly distinguishable from the admittedly insane. And this way of thinking of illusion and its subjects is strengthened by one of the characteristic sentiments of our age.

A dull mind, and a sickly or ill-developed frame may make us anxious: but if the physical development is good, the mind will not be likely to remain long below the average standard. But sometimes, the over-tasked mind leads to mischief which Nature cannot rectify; an attack of water on the brain destroys the child, or if not it sinks under almost any accidental disease.

Several weeks later she gave birth to a puppy with a right foreleg that was ill-developed and minus the paw. Four months before the birth of her child a woman with four healthy children and no history of deformity in the family fell and cut her left wrist severely against a broken bowl; she had a great fright and shock.