United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Ibid. p. 441. Godwin on Population, p. 506. Ibid. p. 553. Ibid. p. 558. Godwin, p. 219. See account of him reprinted from Mackenzie's History of Newcastle and Dictionary of National Biography. Reprinted by Mr. Hyndman in 1822, with a preface. See Dictionary of National Biography. Hall's book was reprinted by J. M. Morgan in the 'Phoenix Library, 1850. Effects of Civilisation , p. 86.

Sergeant Hyndman perceived the Commanding Officer strolling about amongst the tents and said to us in an awe-stricken voice: "Smarten up a bit, for Christ's sake there's the Captin walkin' about don't make no bloomers when yer dismissin' else yer'll get extra shovel-drill an' get me into trouble in the bargin. Mind yer salute prop'ly.... Party Tshn! Inter File, Right Turn! Quick March!"

Heworth Rascal, who was a most symmetrical terrier, and probably the nearest approach to perfection in the breed yet seen. Other very first-class terriers have been the same lady's Ch. Gair, Mr. Powlett's Ch. Callum Dhu, Mr. McCandlish's Ems Cosmetic, Mr. Chapman's Heather Bob and Heather Charm, Mr. Kinnear's Seafield Rascal, Mr. Wood's Hyndman Chief, Messrs.

Hyndman, and advancing towards St. James' Street and Piccadilly was broken by a skilful and very spirited charge of the police. He gave a most humorous account of his own sensations when he first came into contact with the multitude after emerging from St. Paul's, where, as he put it, he had left the people "all singing away like devils."

Hyndman, and the criminal classes generally, in the pit; while those naughty little Scotch boys, the shock-headed Duke and Monty Duff, who once tried to turn down the lights, pervade the house with a policeman on their horizon. As we enter the theatre a dozen chiefs are dancing in the ballet to express their joy at the termination of the Afghan War.

It is for this reason in particular that we are all becoming Socialists without knowing it; by which I would not in the least refer to the acute case of Mr. Hyndman and his horn-blowing supporters, sounding their trumps of a Sunday within the walls of our individualist Jericho but to the stealthy change that has come over the spirit of Englishmen and English legislation.

We rested against one of the newly erected stacks, but it was not long before Sergeant Hyndman came striding up and addressed us angrily. He had evidently been snubbed by the officer and was giving relief to his mortification by bullying us. "What yer doin' there? Swingin' it on yer mates, are yer? Call yerselves sportsmen, do yer? Get back an' bloody well do yer bit!"

On the 12th of March he and his fellow-prisoners received a magnificent reception and were presented with valuable testimonials at the Hall of Science. Taking up again the thread of Socialism, the great debate in St. James's Hall, London, between Mr. Bradlaugh and Mr. Hyndman on April 17th, roused me to a serious study of the questions raised.

"Pshaw!" said the Regent, "this is but idle talk Here, thou Hyndman thou curiosity," calling to the usher, who now entered, "conduct this youth to his companion You will both," he said to Graeme, "keep yourselves in readiness to travel on short notice." And then motioning to him courteously to withdraw, he broke up the interview.

Hyndman could still hear him, so he walked up to him and shouted, 'What the bloody 'ell's the matter wi' yer? As cool as you like old Peter replied, 'Cacoethes loquendi. Of course Hyndman hadn't the remotest idea what that meant and said, 'None o' yer bleed'n' impudence, else I'll land yer inter trouble. He didn't run him though. "I tell you, I'm jolly glad to be away from headquarters.