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This Army don't pretend to pattern very close on the other not in discipline anyhow," said Mr. Harris with ambiguity. "But you'll find Ensign Sand very willing to do anything she can for you. She's a hard-working officer." A sharp wail smote the air from a point close to the lath and canvas partition, on the other side, followed by hasty hushings and steps in the opposite direction.

To hear that gal fight for you there's ne'er a one in Wrexby dares so much as hint a word within a mile of her." "My Rhoda! my sister!" Dahlia gasped, and the tears came pouring down her face. In vain Anthony lifted her tea-cup and the muffin-plate to her for consolation. His hushings and soothings were louder than her weeping.

Suddenly a child's voice a child's shrill voice, ringing through the gallery followed by scufflings and hushings, on the part of an older person then a wail and silence. Melrose had risen to his feet with an exclamation. Some peculiar quality in the voice some passionate, thrilling quality had produced for the moment an extraordinary illusion. He recovered himself in a moment.

To hear that gal fight for you there's ne'er a one in Wrexby dares so much as hint a word within a mile of her." "My Rhoda! my sister!" Dahlia gasped, and the tears came pouring down her face. In vain Anthony lifted her tea-cup and the muffin-plate to her for consolation. His hushings and soothings were louder than her weeping.

I could hear the flit of wings, low, mysterious sounds, whispering, gentle complaints and hushings, but if I turned lo! the scene shifted, and the drama of life was still enacted out of my sight. Yet I managed, in spite of this difficulty, to learn several things I did not know before. No one attends to his own business more strictly than the dove.

That was all I heard, except hushings on Clarence's part, as if the opening of my door and the thread of light from it warned him that there was risk of interruption. He seemed to be dragging her up to her own room, and I was left with a pang at her being foremost in comforting him. My father enacted that he should be treated as usual.

Occasionally it intermitted, falling abruptly in volume like the mysterious rare hushings of a rapid stream. Then the familiar noises of a summer night became audible for the briefest instant, a horse sneezed, an owl hooted, the wild call of birds came down the wind. And with a howl the legions of good and evil took up their warring.

This Army don't pretend to pattern very close on the other not in discipline, anyhow," said Mr. Harris with ambiguity. "But you'll find Ensign Sand very willing to do anything she can for you. She's a hard-working officer." A sharp wail smote the air from a point suspiciously close to the lath and canvas partition on the other side, followed by hasty hushings and steps in the opposite direction.