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It will be remembered that John Wesley, in his sermon at the foundation of the City Road Chapel in 1777 four years, be it observed, before Lady Huntingdon's secession described, in his own vigorous language, the difference between the attitude of his followers towards the Church, and that of the followers of Lady Huntingdon and Mr. Whitefield.

As for me," he consulted his watch, "I am due in half an hour's time to conduct the rehearsal of a service of song at the Lady Huntingdon's Chapel, down the street, where I play the harmonium." The diversity of Dewy dazed me. "You are staying the night at F ?" he said. "Why, yes. I sleep at the Ship Inn, but hoped to leave early to-morrow."

The Prince has cast a covetous eye upon Marian, and, although he outwardly favours the wish of the Sheriff, he is secretly determined to seize her for himself. The revellers at Huntingdon's feast, unaware of the Prince's presence, execrate his name, and at length he retires, in a silent fury. Robin gives to Marian a remarkable ring that he has inherited from his mother.

While waiting for a boat, they heard the painful tidings of Major Huntingdon's death, which increased Eric's impatience to reach W . The remainder of the journey was sad, and four days after leaving the Gulf City the lights of W and roar of the Falls simultaneously greeted the spent travellers.

We have as yet seen only one side of Lady Huntingdon's energy; she was no less industrious in providing hearers for her preachers, than preachers for her hearers.

Hitherto the great majority of them had sought ordination in the Church of England, such having always been Lady Huntingdon's desire for them. This being no longer possible, the first public ordination of Trevecca students took place at Spa Fields March 9, 1783, when Mr. Wills and Mr. Taylor ordained six young men to the work of the ministry.

"All right, sir, all right; and, if any one mentions the poor lady before me, you may depend upon it I shall look like a deaf and dumb statty cut out of stone." Amos then sought his aunt, and, having given her briefly his own views, asked his brother and sister to join him in Miss Huntingdon's room.

Hour, however, passed by after hour, and no news of Amos came to gladden the hearts at the mansion; and when darkness settled down, and nothing had been heard of the absent one, a deep gloom pervaded the whole household. But of all hearts under that roof during that long and weary night, none was so heavy as Mr Huntingdon's.

Many predicted a duel or a street encounter; but weeks passed, and though, in casual meetings, Mr. Huntingdon's glare of hate was always answered by a mocking smile of cold disdain, the cloud floated off without breaking into bloody showers. Mr. Mitchell's health had failed so rapidly as winter approached, that Dr.

"Look here, Campbell, listen to what I say. I want you to remember I am speaking the truth." Huntingdon's quiet tone has its effect. "I would never think of challenging your word," replies Campbell, "but I think it is quite impossible that you could absolutely know that The Don came to a dead stand."