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Will it not be a dishonour to thee to see the very boys and girls in the country to have more wit than thyself? It may be the servants of some men, as the horsekeeper, ploughman, scullion, &c., are more looking after heaven than their masters. I am apt to think sometimes, that more servants than masters, that more tenants than landlords, will inherit the kingdom of heaven.

It. to Thurston, my cook, 6l. 13s. 4d. It. to William Body, my servant, 6l. 13s. 4d. It. to Peter Mewtas, my servant, 6l. 13s. 4d. It. to Ric. Sleysh, my servant, 6l. 13s. 4d. It. to George Wilkinson, my servant, 6l. 13s. 4d. It. to my friend, Thomas Alvard, 10l., and my best gelding. It. to my friend, Thomas Bush, 10l. It. to my servant, John Hynde, my horsekeeper, 3l. 6s. 8d. Item.

Once more all sounds sink to rest for a few minutes, until the low, grating roar of a leopard nearer home warns the horses of their danger and wakes up the sleeping horsekeeper, who piles fresh wood upon the fires, and the bright blaze shoots up among the trees and throws a dull, ruddy glow across the surface of the water.

These things the young man with pitifull sighes and teares, declared unto the Cowheards and Shepheards, which caused them all to weepe: but they fearing to become subject unto new masters, prepared themselves to depart away. How Apuleius was lead away by the Horsekeeper: and what danger he was in.

By and by the Horsekeeper, to whom the charge of me was committed, brought forth all his substance, and laded me and other Horses withall, and so departed thence: we bare women, children, pullets, sparrowes, kiddes, whelpes, and other things which were not able to keepe pace with us, and that which I bare upon my backe, although it was a mighty burthen, yet seemed it very light because I was driven away from him that most terribly had appointed to kill me.

Agilulf, then, having examined many and found none whom he judged to be he of whom he was in quest, came presently to the horsekeeper and feeling his heart beat high, said in himself, 'This is the man. Nevertheless, an he would have nought be known of that which he purposed to do, he did nought to him but poll, with a pair of scissors he had brought with him, somewhat on one side of his hair, which they then wore very long, so by that token he might know him again on the morrow; and this done, he withdrew and returned to his own chamber.

He comes here and writes his letters at the most unconscionable hours, and uses up all my note-paper in telling some horsekeeper what is to be done with his mare." "Ah, how happy you must be to have him!" "Well, I suppose I am," she said, as a tear came into her eyes. "We are so hard to please.

The wounded horsekeeper could manage to walk forward. There is a peculiar bird in the forests of Unyoro which utters a shrill cry, with these notes. The natives imitate this cry with their whistles of antelope's horn. I had noticed that previous to an attack from an ambuscade, we had always heard the call of this bird. My Baris declared that the bird warned us of the danger, and cried, "Co-co-me!

The poor boy crept to me on his hands and knees, and asked, "Shall I creep into the grass, Pacha?-where shall I go?" He had not another minute to live. A spear struck another horsekeeper on the hip, and the soft iron point turned up against the bone in a curve like a fish-hook. A sharp fire dispersed the enemy, who retired to a distance, yelling and blowing their whistles.

In this vehicle, whose gaunt steed was led at a melancholy trot by an equally small-fed horsekeeper, I traversed the environs of Colombo. What fairy-like pleasure-grounds have we fondly anticipated! what perfumes of spices, and all that our childish imaginations had pictured as the ornamental portions of a cinnamon garden!