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The intelligent and religious are generally disgusted and horror-struck at the thought of his becoming identified with the citizens of our republic so much so, that thousands of them have entered into a conspiracy to send him off "out of sight," to find a home on a foreign shore!

Famine pressed them, and at length one day, in the absence of Ulysses, they slew some of the cattle, vainly attempting to make amends for the deed by offering from them a portion to the offended powers. Ulysses, on his return to the shore, was horror-struck at perceiving what they had done, and the more so on account of the portentous signs which followed.

Horror-struck, I sprang up and went to the wardrobe, and realised at once that Minna had left the house; her departure had been so cunningly planned that even the maid was unaware of it. With death in my soul I dashed out of the house to investigate the cause of Minna's disappearance.

Surprised and horror-struck at the disclosure, the missionaries immediately spoke to the parents and children, and with great earnestness and plainness represented to them the criminality of such doings.

For some minutes Susan remained standing on the grass, horror-struck, powerless to move. Then all at once feminine curiosity got the better even of terror, and she followed the phantom figure into the house. From the kitchen doorway she beheld the figure standing on the hearth, his arms stretched above the fireplace, as if groping for something in the chimney.

What fatal influence had impelled me lately to introduce flowers under the brim of my bonnet, to wear 'des cols brodes, and even to appear on one occasion in a scarlet gown he might indeed conjecture, but, for the present, would not openly declare." Again I interrupted, and this time not without an accent at once indignant and horror-struck. "Scarlet, Monsieur Paul? It was not scarlet!

"How many soldiers in a regiment are allowed to have wives?" asks Halicarnassus. "Heighty, sir," is the ready response. I am a little horror-struck, when we leave, to see Halicarnassus hold out his hand as if about to give money to this brave and British soldier, and scarcely less so to see our soldier receive it quietly.

A hundred persons belonging to the lowest order of society sufficed for the desecration of the Antwerp churches. It was, said Orange, "a mere handful of rabble" who did the deed. Sir Richard Clough saw ten or twelve persons entirely sack church after church, while ten thousand spectators looked on, indifferent or horror-struck.

'Oh no, no, your ladyship, said the old woman, endeavouring to conceal her agitation; but in vain, for tottering towards a chair, she sank into it, looking so deadly pale and horror-struck that I thought every moment she would faint. 'Merciful God, keep us from harm and danger! muttered she at length.

Upon reaching the encampment, which I did in about five minutes after the shot was fired, I was horror-struck to find my poor overseer lying on the ground, weltering in his blood, and in the last agonies of death.