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It is a very different person; the family are great favourites of your's." "One of the Van Hornes?" Mrs. Wyllys shook her head. "One of the Hubbards? Is it John Hubbard, the principal of the new Academy?" inquired Miss Agnes, faintly. "Do you suppose I would marry a man of two-or-three-and-twenty!" exclaimed Mrs. Wyllys with indignation.

Mary guessed that she wished to know if the Van Hornes had heard anything in addition to the account in the paper. Without speaking, she looked the question. "We have had a few lines, sent us by Mrs. de Vaux from New York," said Mrs. Van Horne, gently. Elinor closed her eyes, and fell back again on the cushion. "You must not talk, my dear," said the doctor kindly.

The good people continue to cultivate their cabbages, and rear their oysters; they know nothing of banks, nor joint stock companies, but treasure up their money in stocking-feet, at the bottom of the family chest, or bury it in iron pots, as did their fathers and grandfathers before them. As to the House of the Four Chimneys, it still remains in the great and tall family of the Van Hornes.

At length, sick and helpless, he was admitted to the hospital of Notre Dame, where he died in 1771. He painted the large portrait of Cardinal Thomas Philippe d'Alsace, Archbishop of Malines. Daniel Janssens, born in 1636, was a painter-decorator of the first order. He adopted the manner of Jacques de Hornes of whom he was the favorite pupil.

His wife has not been inferior to him in zeal, and they are surrounded by a goodly progeny of children, and grand-children, and great-grand-children, who promise to perpetuate the name of Van Horne, until time shall be no more. So be it! Long may the horn of the Van Hornes continue to be exalted in the land! Tall as they are, may their shadows never be less!

Deere, in some places there are great store: neere vnto the Sea coast they are of the ordinary bignesse of ours in England, and some lesse: but further vp into the countrey, where there is better food, they are greater: they differ from ours onely in this, their tailes are longer, and the snags of their hornes looke backwards. Conies.

We found also two or three Deeres heads, one whereof had been newly killed, for it was still fresh. There was also a company of Deeres feete stuck vp in the houses, Harts hornes, and Eagles clawes, and sundry such like things there was; also two or three baskets full of parched Acorns, peeces of fish and a peece of a broyled Hering.

Jane also was absent, she was in New York with the Taylors; but Elinor's faithful nurse and the old black cook came hurrying to her assistance, as soon as they knew she had reached the house so much indisposed. Miss Agnes was sent for; but Elinor had revived again when her aunt returned, though she was still surrounded by the anxious circle, Mary, the Van Hornes, her nurse, and old Hetty.

Wolfert caught her eye one day fixed on him thus anxiously, and for a moment was roused from his golden reveries "Cheer up, my girl," said he, exultingly, "why dost thou droop? thou shalt hold up thy head one day with the and the Schenaerhorns, the Van Hornes, and the Van Dams the patroon himself shall be glad to get thee for his son!"

These twoo hornes, serve to kepe betwene theim the artillerie, when this battaile should have any withit, and the cariages: The Veliti muste stande a long the flankes, under the Pikes.