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"Vy, for von hondred thaler, I will land dem safe in Mancheoneal Bay; but how shall ve manage, Villiamson? De cabin vas point yesterday." The Scotch negro nodded. "Never mind; I dare say the smell of the paint won't signify to the gentlemen."

On the trail those man he'll take three packets, two hundred seventy poun', an' he'll trot all same dog we'll both told you that before. My onkle, Billy Loutit, he'll carry seex hondred poun' one tam up a heell long tam. He'll take barrel of pork an' ron on the bank all same deer." Rob turned a questioning glance on Alex, who nodded confirmation.

"Goin' to de dev'," said the sweetly-smiling young man. The schooner-captain, leaning against the shrouds, and even Baptiste, laughed outright. "O Jools, you mustn't!" "Well, den, w'at I shall do wid IT?" "Any thing!" answered the parson; "better donate it away to some poor man " "Ah! Misty Posson Jone', dat is w'at I want. You los' five hondred dollar' 'twas me fault." "No, it wa'n't, Jools."

Jerry chuckled, Tom looked up from the stove and his smoke-blue eyes were twinkling. "I can't offer you more 'n a half-interest in the 'lay. That's all I own." "Is dis claim so reech lak people say?" 'Poleon inquired. "Dey're tellin' me you goin' mak' hondred t'ousan' dollar." "We're just breastin' out cross-cuttin' the streak, but looky."

"Any man he'll drink the water on this river one time, he'll couldn't live no more without once each year he'll come back an' drink some more on that river! I'll see you again, an' bimeby you'll get so you'll could carry seex hondred poun' half a mile an' not set it down. Moise, he'll wait for you."

"H'I'll was work for Monsieur Edouard manny tam hon hees boat, hon hees plantation, hon hees 'ouse. When I'll want some leetle money, s'pose those hrat he'll wasn't been prime yet, hall H'I'll need was to go non Monsieur Edouard, hask for those leetle monny. He'll han' it on me, yass, heem, ten dollar, jus' like as heasy Monsieur has gave it me hondred dollar now, yas, heem!" "Yes?

"Oh, yass; fine school; hondred feet long! and fine titcher; splendid titcher; titch English." "Well, well!" laughed the surveyor. "Well, the next thing will be a railroad." St. Pierre's eyes lighted up. "You t'ink!" "Why, yes; you can't keep railroads away from a place long, once you let in the public school and teach English." "You t'ink dass good?" "What, a railroad? Most certainly.