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Full well you know that a love for the sort of finery you now describe and reveal is why girls go wrong. And yet you come shamelessly in here no, it is too much! You forget yourself! Leave the place at once!" Sometimes this improvisation had concluded with a homily in kinder words, in which she would be entreated to go forth and try to be a better woman.

I will not go on with his homily, out of respect for the man; for there was much earnestness in him, and it would utterly shame me if I were supposed to hold that up to the contempt which the forms it took must bring upon it. Besides, he made such a free use of the most sacred of names, that I shrink from representing his utterance.

To experience the comfort of not eating too much and to find how little can be satisfying is a great lesson in the art of living. To supplement, and dispose of, this homily on food, our supper was always baked potatoes and cream toast, but such potatoes and real cream toast! Of course, fruit was always "on tap," and the good coffee reappeared. In the cool of the afternoon a longer walk.

The homily caused the greatest impression, and there were a few unhappy mortals who, some days later, were reported as dead or missing at the Workmen's Club. A time for new elections arrived, and Caesar stood for Castro Duro. Don Calixto, who had married his two daughters and was bored at not being allowed to pull the strings in the town, decided to move to Madrid.

"Ah but your own budget what will become of that?" the old gentleman objected, glancing at Nick's pockets as if rather surprised not to see them stuffed out with documents in split envelopes. His visitor had to confess that he had not directed his letters to meet him at Beauclere: he should find them in town that afternoon. This led to a little homily from Mr.

Moreover, one of the most interesting monuments of the second century is a homily delivered by a layman at Rome, a fragment of which had long been known as the second epistle of Clement, and the remainder of which came to light in 1875 in two forms, a Greek MS. and a Syriac translation.

He chose to do this by delivering a short homily on the advantages of school, by which he might lead Dick to look on the matter in the calm light of reason and common sense, and commonplaces on the subject began to rise to the surface of his mind, from the rather muddy depths to which they had long since sunk.

These edifices, which had nothing of the character of a temple, were the centre of the whole Jewish life. There the people assembled on the Sabbath for prayer, and reading of the law and the prophets. This was the origin of the "homily," the finished model of which we find in the small treatises of Philo.

Before we accompany Margery and Richard to hear the homily of Master Sastre, it might perhaps be as well to prevent any misunderstanding on the part of the reader with respect to Richard Pynson.

"Ramsay," he remarked on the way, "there's a game to play." "So it seems." "Hold yourself in," said he sententiously. I walked on listening. "One plays as your friend, the other as your foe! Show neither friend nor foe your hand! Let the game tell! 'Twas the reined-in horse won King Charles's stakes at Newmarket last year! Hold yourself in, I say!" "In," I repeated, wondering at this homily.