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Wenn der Guss misslang? Wenn die Form zersprang? Ach, vielleicht, indem wir hoffen, Hat uns Unheil schon getroffen." SCHILLER, "Das Lied von der Gloeke." So far in these pages the education of girls has only been considered up to the age of eighteen or so, that is to the end of the ordinary school-room course.

It is orrible, Sir, to think a young gentleman, with everything the world can give, shud be made away with so crewel in the dark. Though you do not rekelect me, Sir, I know you well, Mr. Larkins, haven seen you hoffen when a boy. I wud not wish, Sir, no noise made till I cum which I am returning hoame, and will then travel to Gylingden strateways to see you. Sir, your obedient servant,

Nun kann ich aber hoffen, dasz wir, so viel von dem Wege noch uebrig sein mag, in Gemeinschaft durchwandeln werden, und mit um so groeszerem Gewinn, da die letzten Gefaehrten auf einer langen Reise sich immer am meisten zu sagen haben. Letter of 1794. The coupled names of Goethe and Schiller denote a literary epoch as well as a peculiarly inspiring personal friendship.

"It's a rather old baby by this time," rejoined Putnam, pointing out the date on the wooden slab "Eighteen fifty-one: it would be older than I now if it had kept on." Her eyes fell upon the inscription, and she read it aloud. "Hier ruht in Gott Heinrich Frantz, Geb. Mai 13, 1851. Gest. August 4, 1852. Wir hoffen auf Wiedersehen." She repeated the last words softly over to herself.

An awful faintness and trembling seized him as he approached it and bent his head close down to the marble. The jagged shadows of the cedar-branches played across the surface, but by the uncertain light he could read the name "Imogen Pinckney," and below it the inscription, "Wir hoffen auf Wiedersehen." "You're wanted at 248, and they said go quick. It's Brita, I shouldn't wonder.

They and I are alike in the will of the Highest. "When," says Mr. Froude, "he spoke of the future and its uncertainties, he fell back invariably on the last words of his favourite hymn Wir heissen euch hoffen."

Wenn du lange dich gequälet Weiss er gleich wo dir es fehlet; Auch auf Beifall darfst du hoffen, Denn er weiss wo du's getroffen," GOETHE: West-östlicker Divan. Momentous things happened to Deronda the very evening of that visit to the small house at Chelsea, when there was the discussion about Mirah's public name.