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Macy? yes, I see her in the square yesterday noon. She was just back from Meadville. She says the editor of the Meadville Mixture is awful bitter over our havin' a paper of our own, an' says he'll cross tinfoils with Elijah any day. I told Elijah what she said last night, but Elijah did n't mind. I hoped tellin' him'd take his appetite away, but he ate eleven biscuits just the same.

We fell in with old Don Miguel, and when we'd scuttled him we took aboard a London pimp sent out by the Secretary of State to offer the Captain the King's commission if so be him'd quit piracy and be o' good behaviour. The Captain damned his soul to hell for answer.

"There's no saying. We'll hope not; for it wouldn't be fair fighting. A man with a ghost to back him'd beat any ten. We couldn't box him or play cards, or stand a chance with him as a rival in love. Did you, now, catch a sight of a ghost?" "They weren't ghosts!" Crossjay said what he was sure of, and his voice pronounced his conviction.

"Well, you've housed and clothed and fed the boy for a matter of three years or thereabouts, haven't you?" "Why, the lad's lived wi' me; he had a right to't. He's the same as my own son'd be, min' ye." "You collect his wages, I presume?" "Oh, now! what'd I be doin' wi' the wee bit money that a baby like him'd earn? He's a-savin' o' it.

Them that didn't know him'd think he was sanctified; yit he's got devilment enough in him to break the winders out 'n the meetin'-house. Well, he needn't pester wi' Jack and Rose," Miss Jane went on; "Jack'll never marry Rose whilst old Billy Carew is hoppin' along betwixt the grocery and the graveyard.

Now, if each one got that second command planted deep in his heart, the hired man'd do his work as it ought to be done, and the man who hires him'd pay him right so there wouldn't be no need of Socialists or Unions or dynamite bombs. No, you can't make people do the right thing by laws, and you can't put love in their hearts by meetings and committees and talk.

"Well," said she, "I guess whatever I should give him'd only make him laugh." "Flowers and velvet and honey and myrrh?" "Yes," answered Miss Susan with gravity. "Perhaps it's jest as well some things ain't to be had at the shops." The schoolmaster took up his lamp again and walked to the door. "We never can tell," he said. "It may be people want things awfully without knowing it.