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"But always in high spirits," said Lowboy. "I am the only one here who is allowed to make jokes," said the King. "It must be great to be a king," said Lowboy. "It is," said the King. "Take this fellow and set him to weeding the royal strawberry beds for ten years. And you," he said, turning to Highboy, "stole my raspberries. Since you like them so well, you may pick them for ten years.

Sirs, you cannot think how beautiful our little dining-room looked to me, with the old brass-handled highboy in the corner and the pots of flowers on the sill far more beautiful than the fretted golden towers and gem-girdled walls of the City under the Sea.

There was a kind of austerity in the quaint old furniture that was lacking in the bedrooms where modern taste held sway. Nothing had been taken from or added to the Bucks' guest chamber since Grandmother Knight had reverently placed there her best highboy and her finest mahogany bed and candle stand.

"I believe," said Highboy, who had been looking around, "that these are raspberries on this bush. Um um good," and he began to eat as rapidly as he could pick them. With difficulty Lowboy dragged his brother away from the tempting fruit and after Andy and Hortense, who had gone down the path. The path wandered every which way and seemed to go on forever.

It seemed the only thing to do, so Hortense stole quietly in and up the dark stairs to her room. "Where have you been?" Highboy demanded when she had shut the door. "You've been looked for everywhere."

The original owner could, of course, have owned finer pieces such as a butterfly table, a maple or cherry highboy, a high-post bed with hangings of crewel-work, a small curly maple and mahogany sideboard, various chests of drawers and light stands made of cherry and neatly ornamented with inlay.

The closets, dresser drawers and highboy drawers were completely empty, however, of any traces of her occupancy or that of any other.... With these rooms going to waste, why he suddenly asked himself had Nita Selim coaxed Judge Marshall to have the unfinished half of the gabled attic turned into bedrooms and baths?

Lowboy's mouth began to droop at the corners; his eyes closed and round tears, like marbles, began to roll down his cheeks. Highboy hastened to offer him a handkerchief. "You musn't cry, you know," said Highboy, "or you'll warp yourself maybe even stain your varnish." "Then I'll abstain," said Lowboy, and was so pleased with his pun that he at once began to laugh.

Be it as you wish," he agreed at last. "It is the Queen's privilege to command clemency." "She should have some privilege if she has to laugh at the royal jokes," said Lowboy. "Fifteen years!" roared the King. "I told you to put that fellow to work." The guards hurried Lowboy and Highboy away, and Andy and Hortense were left alone.

"I shall have to get Fergus to pry open the drawer of the lowboy," said Grandmother. "It won't open at all." Then noticing Hortense's soiled dress for the first time, she added, "Dear me, child, you should have on a clean dress." "The drawer in the highboy wouldn't open, Grandma," said Hortense. "And your Grandfather is looking for the horses. They have disappeared," said Grandmother.