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At length the men in quilted armour went up. They certainly cut not a bad figure at a distance, as their helmets were ornamented with black and white ostrich feathers, and the sides of the helmets with pieces of tin, which glittered in the sun, their long quilted cloaks of gaudy colours, reaching over part of the horses' tails, and hanging over their flanks.

The moon rose above the wood behind Planchenois, and lighted up this crowd of shapskas, bear-skin caps, helmets, sabres, bayonets, broken caissons, and abandoned cannon; the crowd and confusion increased every moment, plaintive howls were heard from one end of the line to the other, rolling up and down the hill-side and dying away in the distance like a sigh. Polish military cap.

It was while he was joining this contrivance together that I came up from the end of the secret passage down to the wharf. "Why, here's Jameson," greeted Woodward. "I'm glad you're so much better." "Where's Elaine?" I interrupted breathlessly. They began to tell me. "Aren't you going to follow?" I cried. "Follow? How can we follow?" Excitedly I told of my discovery of the helmets.

She shivered. "I hope I shall never have to eat a meal in a wood again. We had scarcely begun when a body of cavalry, with strange pointed helmets, rode along the path and, seeing us, halted. My mother, half dead with terror, cried out, 'Mon Dieu, ce sont des Uhlans! The leader, I suppose an officer, called out something in German. My father replied.

The ranks were broken up, and the cuirasses, helmets, and arms of the moving warriors caught the sun and sent bright beams of light crossing one another over the wide space surrounded with dazzling white marble statues. When Caracalla left the balcony, Melissa drew back from the window.

I struggled with the door-knob but I could no more let go than I could move my feet off that mat. It was torture. "Henry!" called Del Mar to the valet. "Yes, sir." "Open the cabinet. Give me the helmets and the suits." The valet did so, bringing out a number of queer looking head- pieces with a single weird eye of glass in the front, as well as rubber suits of an outlandish design.

He thought of them as always wearing boots to protect their ankles from mosquitoes, and army helmets.

It was a magnificent spectacle, indeed this immense square, filled with regiments, their helmets, swords, and gold embroideries glittering in the May sun. Officers, mounted on richly caparisoned steeds, drew up in the centre, or galloped along the front of the lines, censuring with a thundering invective any deviation or irregularity.

The relaxation of discipline, and the disuse of exercise, rendered the soldiers less able, and less willing, to support the fatigues of the service; they complained of the weight of the armor, which they seldom wore; and they successively obtained the permission of laying aside both their cuirasses and their helmets.

The rocketport was a ten minutes' trip by aircar from the conveyer head; when they boarded the stubby-winged strato-rocket, Vall saw that two of the passenger-seats had square metal cabinets bolted in place behind them and blue plastic helmets on swinging arms mounted above them. "Everything's set up," the pilot told them. "Dr.