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And I think that our Chancellor has appeared on the scene just at the right moment." Heideck took leave of the Commander and retired to his cabin to draw up a report and take a well-deserved rest. When he sent for M. Camille Penurot on the following morning, he found a striking alteration in him.

"I think Brindisi will be the most suitable place. Then we can travel together to Berlin." Edith nodded assent. "But I don't know how long I shall stay in Berlin," continued Heideck. "I hope I shan't be sent to join my regiment at once." "If you are I shall go with you, wherever it may be," she said as quietly as if it were a matter of course.

The steamer from Karachi cast anchor not far from the Austrian Lloyd steamer Imperatrix, from Trieste, and the passengers were taken from the Apollo Bandar in small boats to the landing-stage. Heideck took up his quarters with his new English friends at the Esplanade Hotel. The admirably conducted house was well known to him, since he had stayed there a few days on his arrival in India.

I am convinced that the bad news will soon follow, and that, as far as our plans for the journey are concerned, everything will remain as before." Edith was silent. Her belief in Heideck was so unbounded that his words had completely convinced her. But they did not restore the joyful confidence of the last few days. "Everything will remain as before?" she said at length.

You can see for yourself that the orders are written on the blue stamped paper of the English Admiralty." "Very well, Herr major! But that would not exclude the idea of a forgery. How did you come into possession of this paper?" "Your Royal Highness will excuse my entering into an explanation." "Then read on." Heideck continued

When Heideck arrived, the staircase of the entrance hall was occupied by a crowd of divers people waiting to be received. But he, as a representative of the white race, was saved the tiresome annoyance of waiting his turn.

Heideck rode up to him and lifted his hand to his helmet. "Will Your Excellency allow me to ride? I am a friend of Colonel Baird and should be glad of the opportunity of showing him my gratitude for his kindness to me."

"At this very moment the situation appears to be more than ever complicated. I shall be very much surprised, if we are not on the eve of very disquieting times. The Governor-General of Turkestan is marching this way, and his advance guard has already passed the Afghan frontier." Heideck had difficulty in concealing the excitement, which this confirmation of Tchajawadse's story aroused in him.

According to the agreement with Heideck, Brandelaar, on his return from Dover, was to put in at Flushing, and the Major had instructed the guardships at the mouth of the West Schelde to allow the smack to pass unmolested without detention. But he waited for the skipper from day to day in vain.

Under their joint attentions, Edith soon opened her eyes, and gazed with bewildered looks around her. But on seeing lying on the floor the corpse of the Indian whom Heideck had shot, her consciousness returned with perfect clearness. Shaking off the last traces of faintness with a firm will, she got up. "It was you who saved me, Mr. Heideck! You risked your life for me!