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The answer was long in coming, but at last Robert Gale spoke. "I can see no reason now why he should not live why he should not live out his life to the allotted span. He will never be robust, of course, but he has no disease. Even the heart-weakness has responded to treatment, or rather, I will say, to happiness, in a remarkable way."

She was compelled to give up much of her outdoor work, for an oppressive sense of heart-weakness made her afraid to cross deep streams and climb the hills. Sometimes she used her cycle, but only when she could obtain one of the girls or lads to run alongside and assist her up the ascents.

It had been felt that one so advanced in years should have some night-attendant, especially as indications of heart-weakness had been noticed of late, and he had yielded to the pressure of love and consented to such an arrangement after that night. But the consent came too late. He was never more to need human attendance or attention.

His constitution was strong enough; he had not lived a life of unpropitious preparation for a serious illness; but his heart was a danger. Typhoid is fatal to any heart-weakness, particularly in convalescence; and he was caught suddenly as he was growing towards perfect health.

More slowly now, and with more anxious thoughts, more heart-weakness, more misgiving Grace approacheth the stately mansion: and when she timidly touched the "Servants'" bell, for she felt too lowly for the "Visiters'," and when she heard how terribly loud it was, how long it rung, and what might be the issue of her wasn't it ill-considered? errand the poor girl almost fainted at the sound.

More slowly now, and with more anxious thoughts, more heart-weakness, more misgiving Grace approacheth the stately mansion: and when she timidly touched the "Servants'" bell, for she felt too lowly for the "Visiters'," and when she heard how terribly loud it was, how long it rung, and what might be the issue of her wasn't it ill-considered? errand the poor girl almost fainted at the sound.

I am well as well as a man of my age can expect to be, save for a troublesome heart-weakness, which threatens a brief and easy ending to my career. But for this, I should esteem myself stronger than some men who are still young.

The nurse had the medicine-box and a small tray with water-glasses for when things went wrong, the cavalcade must stop and some of the "Heart-weakness drops" be given, or some whiffs taken from the pungent "For tightness of breath" bottle, before further progress was safe. Mrs. Judson knew her symptoms so well. There were eighteen of special importance; and Dr.

But I tore her from home and friends, and life itself, for this, for nothing! O Destiny, thou art a subtle adversary, and infinite are thy devices for our overthrow! But I never reckoned on such an impediment as this heart-weakness."