United States or Heard Island and McDonald Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"You must brighten up now, for I am going to take you to see an old friend of mine. Why, here he is!" and they were greeted by a jovial shout as a portly, pleasant-faced man caught them up. "Hello! doctor, glad to see you; you havent honoured us with a visit for some time." "I have been so busy lately, and even now you see I have brought a patient with me.

"I take my pen in and to inform you that I'm stayin here and cant get away for the reason that I lorst my cloes at cribage larst night, also my money, and everything beside. Don't speek to a living sole about it as the mate wants my birth, but pack up sum cloes and bring them to me without saying nuthing to noboddy. The mates cloths will do becos I havent got enny other soot, dont tell 'im.

I havent got ennything to wright today xcept that i went to school. John Adams has got a new brama rooster. Jan. 28.

Good morow farmer with your hundred geese sir i have not a hundred but if i had as many more and half as many more and 2-1/2 geese i shood have a hundred, how many geese had he. well Nipper can do that sum and so he has got to show of. i havent got to do ennything xcept to say my speach when old Francis gives me my prise, whitch is prety good for me. Mar. 4.

What success had you, said I, in the sale of your Clocks among the Scotch in the eastern part of the Province? do you find them as gullible as the Blue Noses? Well, said he, you have heerd tell that a Yankee never answers one question, without axing another, havent you? Did you ever see an English Stage Driver make a bow? because if you hante observed it, I have, and a queer one it is, I swan.

But consider, mam: we live in a progressive age and having made a great contribution to Science you can hardly escape the fame rightfully yours. You are a public figure now and must stand in the light. Miss Francis squatted ungracefully on her heels and looked up from the flowerpot she had been engaged with. "I havent any objection to publicity, hack or otherwise," she said mildly.

Aug. 3. i havent spoke to Beany yet or to Pewt eether.

"Uh ... hello ... well, I guess I havent ... uh anything much to say ... pretty color ... bad stuff, I guess. Gladsnotgrowing myyard...." "Yes, go right on, sir. Oh ... the gentleman is through. Very interesting and thank you. "Theyre bringing up a whole crew of weedburners now going to try and get this thing under control. The men all have tanks of oil or kerosene on their backs.

A thick eyebrow shot up immediately and he allowed his pipe to hang slackly from his mouth. "Purple," he exclaimed, "magenta, violet, lavender, mauve. Schmaltz, real copperriveted, brassbound, steeljacketed, castiron schmaltz. I havent seen such a genuine sample since my kid sister wrote up Jack the Ripper back in 1889."

Georgie has lerned a new tune. it is i wood i were a fary queen. we are going to have the minister to supper and father is going to make Keene and Cele and Georgie show of. i hate showing of. ennyway i havent got to show of becaus father says i cant sing. i can sing but he dont know it you bet.