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To this basis was added the grossest form of superstition, and the wildest fancies of a brain muddled with the fumes of opium, but the one thing clear to him was, that a Joss, though an immortal being, was able to comprehend hatred.

His imaginings died before the light of a passion felt then for the first time. He, a man mild and noble, felt a deadly hatred toward the ancient enemies of Egypt, whom he had never met till that evening.

There are six principal passions, of which all the rest are only modifications: admiration, love, desire, joy, having relation to the appetite of happiness; hatred, sadness, having relation to the fear of pain. All passions are good in themselves. No, they are all good, but all also have their bad side, their deviation, rather, which enables them to become bad.

Like the sick man, we wait until the majestic Christ commands us to arise help ourselves, instead of waiting for others to put us into the cleansing current. Let us recognize, then, the allness, the tenderness, the sacredness of this divine Love by submerging ourselves in it, until all thoughts of evil, suffering or hatred are lost in its embrace.

He got up from his chair, and going over to a side-table took from it a blotting-pad, some writing paper and a pencil. For the moment his back was turned and again he did not see the look of almost murderous hatred which came into his visitor's eyes; had he seen and understood it, he might even then have reconsidered matters and taken Mrs. Mallathorpe's last offer.

No man less deserved to be hated than Irving, for no man was less willing himself to give heart-room to hatred. We need hardly add that these volumes of which the larger part is by Irving himself are very entertaining, and that we read them from beginning to end with unflagging interest.

"We shall be able to live and die!" said Petronius. As to them, they know only how to forgive, and understand neither true love nor true hatred. Cæsar, on returning to Rome, was angry because he had returned, and after some days was filled anew with a wish to visit Achæa.

The Romans, indeed, converted these extraordinary arms to the honour of the gods: but the Campanians, out of pride, and in hatred of the Samnites, gave them as ornaments to their gladiators, who used to be exhibited as a show at their feasts, and whom they distinguished by the name of Samnites.

Resentment against the Swiss, hatred, and jealousy, had made him a knave, and at the same time the most shortsighted of fools. As he approached the second story, in which the nursery was situated and where he expected to find his wife, it suddenly seemed as if a star had risen amid the darkness.

The thought that plural marriage has ever been the head and front of "Mormon" offending, that to it is traceable as the true cause the hatred of other sects and the unpopularity of the Church, is not tenable to the earnest thinker.