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Lorry remained in the hall with Halfont, Prince Bolaroz, Mizrox and Anguish. The conversation ran once more into the ever-recurring topic of the day, Gabriel's confession. The Prince of Dawsbergen was confined in the Tower with his confederate, Berrowag. Reports from Dangloss late in the afternoon conveyed the intelligence that the prisoner had fallen into melancholia.

Count Halfont intervened, hastily proposing that a second party be sent out at once with instructions to raze the Witch's hut if necessary. "I shall be happy to lead the expedition," said young Count Vos Engo, bowing deeply to the young lady herself. "You shall, Vos Engo," said Halfont. "Prepare at once. Take ten men. I shall report to General Braze for you."

It had been their plan that Beverly should spend the delightful summer months in Graustark, a guest at the royal palace. The original arrangements of the Lorrys were hopelessly disturbed by the late news from Count Halfont. They were obliged to leave Washington two months earlier than they intended, and they could not take Beverly Calhoun into danger-ridden Graustark. The contemplated visit to St.

The Princess, white as death and as motionless, sat bolt upright in her royal seat. "Oh!" she moaned, piteously, and, clenching her hands, she carried them to her eyes as if to shut out the sight. The Countess Halfont and Dagmar ran to her side, the latter frantic with alarm. She knew more than the others. "Are you the fugitive?" cried Bolaroz. I am Grenfall Lorry. Are you Bolaroz?

She passed from the room beside Halfont, proud and happy in the victory over despair, glorying in the exposure of her heart to the world, her blood tingling and dancing with the joys of anticipation. Lorry and Anguish, the wonder and admiration of all, were given a short but convincing levee in the hallway.

In the meantime, Baron Dangloss was watching him covertly from the edge of the Café garden across the square. At this time, the principality of Graustark was in a most prosperous condition. Its affairs were under the control of an able ministry, headed by the venerable Count Halfont. The Duke of Perse, for years a resident of St.

There was the Princess at my elbow and the Countess pretty as a picture back of her, all eyes, both of 'em; and there was the old gray-haired lady, the Countess Halfont, and a half-dozen shivering maids, with men galore, Dangloss and the Count and a lot of servants, a great and increasing crowd.

Within a very few minutes after they had been conducted to the chamber by Count Halfont and other dignitaries, the fair ruler came into the room and advanced between the bowing lines of courtiers to the spot where sat the man who held Graustark in his grasp. A slender, graceful figure in black, proud and serious, she walked unhesitatingly to the old man's side.

With very gentle hands he lifted Bobby's head, and, infinitely tender, stuffed a throne cushion behind the curly head. Still with his finger to his lips, a splendid smile in his eyes, he tip-toed back to his chair. As he passed Count Halfont, who had risen, he whispered: "Dear little man! I do not forget, my lord, that I was once a boy. God bless him!"

Count Vos Engo was politely concerned, but it should not be expected that, in his present state of mind regarding her, he could be seriously grieved by anything that might have happened to the rash American. The guard about the Prince was doubled: orders requiring the strictest care of his person were issued by Count Halfont.