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She dominated the scene, and Lady Marayne, with a certain astonishment in her eyes and a smouldering disposition to irony, was the half-sympathetic, half-resentful priestess of her daughter-in-law's unparalleled immolation.

His luminous dark eyes were shining and a half-teasing, half-sympathetic smile was on his lips. But whatever the clothes, there was always something of the Southern gentleman about every man of the Thaine blood. Something of the soldierly bearing of his father had been his heritage likewise. "May I see your stuff, or is it not for the profane eyes of a thresher of alfalfa to look upon?"

Cecilia, while engaging them to right and left in her half-sympathetic, faintly mocking way as if doubting whether they really wanted to see her or she them heard a word of fear. "Mr. Purcey." 'Oh Heaven! she thought. Mr. Purcey, whose A.i. Damyer could be heard outside, advanced in his direct and simple way. "I thought I'd give my car a run," he said. "How's your sister?" And seeing Mrs.

But after breakfast Martie found Lydia crying into one of the aprons that Were hanging in the side-entry. "It's nothing!" she gulped as Martie's warm arms went about her. "Only only I can't bear to have Ma forgotten already! You heard how Pa spoke-so short and so cold!" "Oh, Lyddy, DARLING!" Martie protested, half-amused, half-sympathetic. Lydia straightened herself resentfully.

He was half-sympathetic over her apparent misery, half-annoyed. Cicily, with the intuitive sensitiveness of a woman to recognize a lover's hostile feeling beneath the spoken words, was acutely conscious of the annoyance; she ignored the modicum of sympathy.

There, August 6th, he made an emphatic after- breakfast speech to a half-sympathetic audience; the gist of it being that the remedy for Ireland was not "emancipation" or "liberty," but to "cease following the devil, as it had been doing for two centuries." The same afternoon he escaped on board a Glasgow steamer, and landed safe at 2 A.M. on the morning of the 7th.

Cuningham, who had been making money with some rapidity of late, was displaying before the half-sympathetic, half-sarcastic eyes of Watson, some presents that he was just sending off to his mother and sisters in Scotland. A white dress, a lace shawl, some handkerchiefs, a sash, a fan there they lay, ranged on brown paper on the studio floor.

It was strange and rather ghastly to see a plaster head in this room where the head of flesh had so often lain. Maude and Frank stood beside it, and gazed long and silently while the matron, half-bored and half-sympathetic, waited for them to move on.

The group fell into a half-sympathetic hush as she moved back again to the door of the entrance. A little woman a café singer broke into a snatch of song: "The moon has two sides, a black and a white, When the heart is dark there can be no light." Laughing, she snapped her fingers. "Fava has been in a bad temper ever since that American heiress came to Rome.

Alice supported him when his efforts flagged, as they sometimes did, and once or twice gave him a half-amused, half-sympathetic glance. He did not know if he was grateful for this or not, but saw that she knew what he felt. If Mrs. Featherstone guessed, she made no sign; she treated him with the graciousness one would expect from a well-bred hostess, but went no further.