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No matter how important such testimony might appear to one seeking the truth, the rules of evidence in civilized courts barred it. Mrs. Greening's lips must remain sealed on what Sol said Joe said, or anybody said to someone else. So the jury was called back, and Mrs. Greening was excused, and Hammer wiped off the sweat and pushed back his cuffs.

It was a little fiction that had taken its beginning from Sol Greening's early talk, and owing to that rumor the coroner had been gentle with her beyond the inclination of his heart. The young widow smiled as she lay on her pillow and thought of the little intimate touches of tenderness which this baseless rumor had made her the beneficiary of at her neighbor's hands.

He half filled a glass and pushed the bottle towards Bernadine. "Greening's taste is unimpeachable," de Grost declared, setting down his glass empty. "No use being a director of a city business, you know, unless one interests oneself personally in it. Greening's judgment is simply marvellous. I have never tasted a more beautiful wine.

He handed Mrs. Greening's name to the clerk, and requested a subpoena for her as a witness for the defense. Sol's son Dan was the next witness, and Hammer put him through a similar course of sprouts. Judge Maxwell allowed Hammer to disport uncurbed until it became evident that, if given his way, the barber-lawyer would drag the trial out until Joe was well along in middle life.

"The conspiracy of silence entered into between this defendant and the widow of Isom Chase entered into and maintained throughout this trial is sufficient to brand them guilty of this charge before the world. More; when Sol Greening's wife arrived a few minutes after the shooting, Mrs. Chase was fully dressed, in a dress, gentlemen of the jury, that it would have taken her longer to put on "

Greening straightened up and faced Joe, sternly. "Where's Missis Chase?" he asked. "Upstairs," said Joe, pointing. "Does she know? Who was here when it happened?" "Isom and I," said Joe. "God A'mighty!" said Greening, looking at Joe fearfully, "just you and him?" "We were alone," said Joe, meeting Greening's eyes unfalteringly. "We had some words, and Isom lost his temper.

"They have heard much that is evil, these ears of mine." "And the evil has left them undefiled," said Saxham. "Thank you!" She begged him again not to forget the sick child at Mrs. Greening's shelter, and hurried away, keeping her face from Saxham. He knew that there was no hope for him, that there never would be any. And he loved her hungrily, hopelessly loved her.