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The force of na is not clear, unless it be a phonetic complement merely. Semitische Völker, p. 369. Very many of the names of the Semitic gods and heroes signify strong, e.g., El, Adon, Baal, Etana, Kemosh, etc. The final vowel i would, on the basis of the explanation offered, be paralleled by the i of Igigi an indication of the plural. See Delitzsch, Assyr. Gram. § 67, 1.

In the extensive use of iodoform as a dressing instances of untoward effects, and even fatal ones, have been noticed, the majority of them being due to careless and injudicious application. In a French journal there is mentioned the history of a man of twenty-five, suspected of urethral ulceration, who submitted to the local application of one gram of iodoform.

One of these methods is to place some substance, such as barium chloride, in a calorimeter, noting at what point the mercury remains stationary. Radium is then introduced, whereupon the mercury in the tube gradually rises, falling again when the radium is removed. By careful tests it has been determined that a gram of radium emits about twenty-four hundred gram-calories in twenty-four hours.

"Ricin is a new and little-known poison derived from the shell of the castor-oil bean. Professor Ehrlich states that one gram of the pure poison will kill 1,500,000 guinea pigs. Ricin was lately isolated by Professor Robert, of Rostock, but is seldom found except in an impure state, though still very deadly. It surpasses strychnine, prussic acid, and other commonly known drugs.

He made it a rule that there should always be at least two ships in orbit off Tanith in addition to the Lamia, which was on permanent patrol, and he installed more missile-launching stations both on the moon and on the planet. There were three ships bearing the Ward swords and atom-symbol, and a fourth building on Gram.

!Method B! !Oxalate Standards! PROCEDURE. Weigh out two portions of pure sodium oxalate of 0.25-0.3 gram each into beakers of about 600 cc. capacity. Make a blank test with 20 cc. of manganous sulphate solution and a volume of distilled water equal to that of the titrated solution to determine the volume of the permanganate solution required to produce a very slight pink.

Therewith he went to his mother, and she welcomed him in seemly wise, and they talked and drank together. Then spake Sigurd, "Have I heard aright, that King Sigmund gave thee the good sword Gram in two pieces?" "True enough," she said. So Sigurd said, "Deliver them into my hands, for I would have them." She said he looked like to win great fame, and gave him the sword.

You weren't here on Gram when Duke Ridgerd of Didreksburg had his sister Sancia's second husband poisoned " They halted under the colonnade; beyond, the lower main terrace was crowded, and a medley of old love songs was wafting from the sound outlets, for the sixth or eighth time around. He looked at his watch; it was ninety seconds later than the last time he had done so.

Excalibur, Tizona, Gram, Morglay, Durendal, Flamberge, Curtana, Quernbiter; the names were a roll-call of fabulous blades of Old Terran legend. Then they had erupted, suddenly and calamitously, into what was left of the Terran Federation as the Space Vikings, carrying pillage and destruction, until the newborn Empire rose to vanquish them.

"There's not a gram of metal inside the fourth zone within a hundred thousand kilometers and yet they must be close to send such a wave as that. But the Second thinks not what do you think, Costigan?" The bluff commander, reactionary and of the old school as was his breed, was furious baffled, raging inwardly to come to grips with the invisible and undetectable foe.