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Graham's house in the city, she took with her a trunk containing her wardrobe, an old bandbox, which she put on the shelf of a closet in her chamber.

'It is in the next room, said he, 'but the predella is here on the next easel. I have removed it from underneath the picture to work upon. 'The head of Ruth has been taken out, said my mother, turning to me: 'but isn't it like an old master? You ought to see the marvellous Pre-Raphaelite pictures at Mr. Graham's and Mr. Leyland's, Henry.

Graham's library; saw the contented, happy countenance of Emily happy in her blindness and her forgetfulness of the past. A young girl sat near the fire endeavouring to read by its flickering light.

He was accustomed to keeping a stern eye on Ed's affairs or the extravagant young man would have given away his house and office and all their contents long ago. Lawyer Ed did not answer for a moment. He looked like a naughty schoolboy caught In a foolish prank. The confession came out at last. "I'd almost decided not to go in with Will Graham's scheme.

The Marquis courteously dismounted, committing his horse to the care of the groom, and linking his arm in Graham's, expressed his pleasure at seeing him again; then, with some visible hesitation and embarrassment, he turned the conversation towards the political aspects of France.

"My dear Isabella," exclaimed he hastily "pray do not concern yourself about my looks. Be satisfied with doctoring and coddling yourself and the children, and let me look as I chuse." "I did not thoroughly understand what you were telling your brother," cried Emma, "about your friend Mr. Graham's intending to have a bailiff from Scotland, to look after his new estate. What will it answer?

"She didn't throw back her head and frown and say 'Young ladies, I am amazed!" here Bell gave an excellent imitation of Mrs. Graham's manner "so you don't call it scolding. She just said, 'Girls, I don't know what to think! and we felt as mean! I love Miss Celia." "So do I," echoed Katherine. "Is she one of your teachers?" Rosalind asked. "Yes; she is Miss Celia Fair.

"It is, sir," said Gertrude, not a little strengthened for the dreaded necessity of pronouncing her final resolution by Mr. Graham's sarcastic speeches. "And you go?" "I must. I believe it to be my duty, and am, therefore, willing to sacrifice my own comfort, and, what I assure you I value far more, your friendship." Mr.

"People have lived here for years and still seem to have no idea," said Madame. She paused and looked back. "Do you see that house 'way up on the hill yonder? The one with the tower sticking up between the trees? That's Alexander Graham's mansion. And he makes a good deal of his money out of the rents of these houses, and nobody seems to care very much.

The distinguished terrier of his era was Burke's Killeney Boy, to whom, and to Mr. W. Graham's bitch Erin, with whom he was mated, nearly all the pedigrees of the best Irish Terriers of to-day date back. Erin was said to be superior in all respects to any of her breed previous to 1880.