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A complete sentimentalist is she, whether in the open country or when she looks in at the lighted windows, and goodnaturedly makes her voice like a very goblin's outside, for the increasing of the bourgeois' bien-etre. But that year all had been otherwise. Autumn had borne herself with a heroism of sunny weather.

The goblin's continual allusions to his former intention, which he had by this time totally relinquished, hurt him, and he said, rather pathetically, "Don't talk of that again, good goblin. I'd rather sleep on the snow myself." "Eh! what?" said the goblin; "you don't mean to say you're sorry? Then what do you say to making these poor people comfortable?"

The bay was no longer a silk sleeve; but a vast star, seemingly cut out of a lapis lazuli, was set mosaic-like in the midst of green and blue-grey mountains that soared up from it up, up, in shapes strange as a goblin's dream. Then, the azure star vanished, and rocky heights shut away the view of the distant sea. Vegetation grew sparse.

'I'm not sure that I do, was the hesitating reply; 'I think it's something dreadful. Why do you want to know? 'Is it like the dark valley Christian went through in the Pilgrim's Progress, or the goblin's cave we make up about? 'I expect it is something like. Why? 'It's on the way to heaven, whispered Betty, in an awestruck tone; 'the Bible says so. There was silence, then Molly said,

He dropped his voice so low that Curdie could hear only a growl. The growl went on in the low bass for a good while, as inarticulate as if the goblin's tongue had been a sausage; and it was not until his wife spoke again that it rose to its former pitch. 'But what shall we do when you are at the palace? she asked.

He flung the heavy jug right in the goblin's face, and ran away as fast as his legs would carry him. Outside there was moonlight on the snow; he heard cries and howls down on the shore, and became aware that goblins were pursuing him in ever-increasing numbers.

The side walls had been covered with gorgeous autumn foliage, palms and potted rubber plants stood all about, and last, but by no means least, there was a long table laden with goodies and more pumpkin decorations. The room was a fitting scene for goblin's revels.

Two or three blackened beams are all that remain of it, having been burned down some years ago, by the carelessness of a traveler. The mountains stand all around, like giants, to "sentinel this enchanted land." On leaving the island, we saw the Goblin's Cave, in the side of Benvenue, called by the Gaels, "Coirnan-Uriskin."

The first was, that some grievous calamity was preparing, and almost ready to fall upon the heads of the miners; the second was the one weak point of a goblin's body; he had not known that their feet were so tender as he had now reason to suspect.

They also found both the pewter jug and the lantern down in the store-house. The pewter jug had been beaten flat against the goblin's skull, and the goblin had smashed the lantern when Rasmus escaped.