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I heard a whistle, and a whistle in answer, and a minute later he appeared again helping Monica through the thick undergrowth. Monica looked as pretty as a picture in her dark green shooting suit and her muffler. She was as excited as a child at its first play. "A car!" she exclaimed. "Oh, Francis, I'll sit beside you!" My brother glanced at his watch. "Twenty to one!" he murmured.

She glanced quickly round her. She had forgotten the tide! The ledge between her and the shore was already a foot under brown sea-water. Yet if she had not thought that it would look ridiculous, she would have leaped down even then and waded ashore.

He glanced up and saw the majestic apparition hovering above him, and made frantic efforts to get out of the way, but the camel reached out and bit him on the shoulder before he accomplished it. This was the only pleasant incident of the journey.

Filmer glanced at his alert but motionless figure, and perceived that the other was a man of much greater experience and power than himself, and in this the mayor was subject to exactly that influence which Clark was in the habit of exerting without any effort whatever.

Don't make this kind of a fool of me, at any rate. Tell me what you mean. Explain-" She laughed at him. " Explain? Really, your vocabulary is getting extensive, but it is dreadfully awkward to ask people to explain when there is nothing to explain." He glanced at her, " I know as well as you do that your father is taking you to Greece in order to get rid of me."

His rooms were in readiness for him, and whilst the attendant prepared a light supper, he examined some letters which had arrived that evening. Two of the envelopes contained pressing invitations with reference to accounts rendered and re-rendered; he glanced over the writing and threw them into the fire.

For a moment her mind refused the connection of ideas; but the next a full realization of the position swept over her, galvanizing her mentally and physically, as she turned in her seat and glanced at the seven who were following in the wake. First behind his master came the Precursor.

My mother can measure difficulties in advance better than most men; and I believe it is true that women will deliberately plan and follow a course involving greater hardship and privation than men would undertake. I cannot conceive of any man doing what my mother has done for me." Adelaide glanced at Percy as he spoke of his mother.

But she walked on quickly, found the number and knocked.... Moffatt opened the door, and she glanced beyond him and saw that the big bright sitting-room was empty. "Hullo!" he exclaimed, surprised; and as he stood aside to let her enter she saw him draw out his watch and glance at it surreptitiously.

Katrina glanced up at him appealingly, as if wanting to ask whether he was pleased with her. The other women, too, all turned their eyes toward him, expectantly waiting for some word of praise from him for all the trouble they had been to on his account. However, it is not so easy to appear jubilant when one has been half frozen and out of sorts all day!