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In the dark corners he saw Glaucus, and Sallust, and Arbaces; he could hear the light step of the luxurious Julia, and the tramp of the gladiators; he could hear Ione's voice in song and the low whisper of Nydia with her roses. "To the lions! Glaucus to the lions!" It would have been perfect had Vesuvius blown off the top of its head at that moment.

He, in like manner, received from Cleopatra an honorable burial, near Sapha, a place so called in that country. Lucullus, when he had reestablished law and a lasting peace in Asia, did not altogether forget pleasure and mirth, but, during his residence at Ephesus, gratified the cities with sports, festival triumphs, wrestling games and single combats of gladiators.

None e're condemned a project that was no charge to him; therefore to be true to his interests, we engag'd in an oath before we wou'd discover the cheat to suffer ten thousand racks; and thus like free-born gladiators selling our liberty, we religiously devoted both soul and body to our new master.

The marble Stadium, where the chariots raced and the gladiators fought, gleamed in the afternoon light. The three companions could not stop long to gaze. They swung easily down the hill-sides and across the plain into Troy, where they took lodgings. They had not been in Troy long when they met a doctor named Luke. The doctor did not live in Troy, but was himself a visitor.

The insurgents attacked with great fury, but with method, Spartacus leading the way at the head of a band of select followers, thus acting the part of a soldier as well as of a general. The Romans steadily resisted, and the slaughter was great on both sides. At last, victory began to incline towards the gladiators, when Spartacus fell, and the fortune of the day was changed.

From my governor, to be neither of the green nor of the blue party at the games in the circus, nor a partizan either of the Parmularius or the Scutarius at the gladiators' fights; from him too I learned endurance of labor and to want little, and to work with my own hands, and not to meddle with other people's affairs, and not to be ready to listen to slander.

Probus reserved six hundred gladiators for one of his festivals, and massacred, on another, two hundred lions, twenty leopards, and three hundred bears. Gordian let loose three hundred African hyenas and ten Indian tigers in the arena.

He is a frequent visitor to the gladiatorial school and there as a boy of position should! he learns from the keeper of the school the names of the gladiators, the fights they have fought, the wounds they have received. He never speaks any language save Punic, and though he may occasionally use a Greek word picked up from his mother, he neither will nor can speak Latin.

Even across the amphitheatre the youth could see the sudden flush and pallor of the lady's haughty face; and immediately after, Macrinus, the praetorian prefect, approached Caracalla with the master of the games, the superintendent of the school of gladiators. At the same time Diodoros heard his next neighbor, a member of the city senate, say: "How quietly it is going off!

Along each of the two unpierced walls, against panels of peeling stucco, stood a line of statuary heathen goddesses, fauns, athletes and gladiators, with here and there a vase or urn copied from the antique. The furniture consisted of half a dozen chairs, a settee, and an octagon table, all carved out of wood in pseudo-classical patterns, and painted with a grey wash to resemble stone.