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When he grew to years capable of being put out to business, the unsettled giddiness of his temper sufficiently appeared, for being put out to three several trades at his own request, he could not bring himself to any of them, but went at last to a fourth which was that of a joiner, with whom he stayed a considerable space.

All I know is, that she made her debut in society as a lady of elegance, and her debut was all the more marked because, during the life of her husband, her conduct was entirely the contrary. Do you not remember when you first made her acquaintance, that she was lively even to giddiness, heedless, bold, even coquettish, and appeared to be incapable of a reasonable attachment?

At last when faintness and giddiness had come upon her, and she could get no answer to her repeated shouts, her spirit had altogether given way; and unless Wendot had really come to her rescue, she was certain she should have fallen down the precipice. She did not know now how she should ever get back along the narrow ridge, she was so frightened and giddy.

But Mannix, even in his condition of half awakened giddiness clung to these. He followed the porter across a stretch of wooden pier, got involved in a crowd of other passengers at the steamer's gangway, and was hustled by the elderly gentleman who had smoked the three cigars. He still seemed to be in a bad temper.

After Manisty had carried off his sister, Eleanor and Lucy sat together in the garden, talking sometimes, but more often silent, till the sun began to drop towards Ostia and the Mediterranean. 'You must come in, said Eleanor, laying her hand on the girl's. 'The chill is beginning. Lucy rose, conscious again of the slight giddiness of fever, and they walked towards the house.

In his forty-seventh year, and in the meridian of his fame, he died on the twenty-third of January, one thousand eight hundred and six. Vertigo, or giddiness, though unattended with pain, is, in general, of a more dangerous nature than the severest headach.

By and by the giddiness passed. "Leonard," she murmured, "I am ill." Then she began to smile. "It is too absurd," she faltered, "but you've got to do it all over again." "What do you mean?" he asked. "Get me something to eat at once," she begged. "I am starving. Somewhere where it's cool. Leonard, how wonderful! I never even knew that you were in New York."

Words and images rose in his mind without sensation or effort, and experiencing the giddiness and exultation of the orator, he strove to win her with eloquence.

You would say that if I want to risk my own life, I needn't risk yours! Is that it? Well! I'll try to get you out of this if I can! I wish I I could see some sign of a house anywhere! I'd make for it and ask for shelter." He trudged patiently onwards, but he was beginning to feel unsteady in his limbs, and every now and then he had to stop, overcome by a sickening sensation of giddiness.

He found her beauty excelled by her good sense, and her virtue superior to both. He found her untainted by that giddiness, vanity, and affectation, which distinguish the fashionable females of the present age. He found her uninfected by the rage for diversion and dissipation; for noise, tumult, gewgaws, glitter, and extravagance.