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These tremulous words, broken and confused by the weakness of his last hours, were taken down by the favorite scribe, Giannozzo Manetti, in the chamber of the dying Pope; with much more of the most serious matter to the Church and to Rome.

"My godfather?" said Romola, scarcely above a whisper, as Tito made a slight pause. "Yes: I grieve to say it. But along with him there are three, at least, whose names have a commanding interest even among the popular party Niccolo Ridolfi, Lorenzo Tornabuoni, and Giannozzo Pucci." The tide of Romola's feelings had been violently turned into a new channel.

Giannozzo, dropping his staff, stammered out that he craved his excellency's pardon for not knowing him, but that as for the ass it was a stubborn devil that would not have carried Jesus Christ without gibbing. "The beast is tired and hungry," cried Odo, his old compassion for the sufferings of the farm-animals suddenly reviving. "How many hours have you worked it without rest or food?"

"If it were not that an adhesion to the popular side is necessary to your safety as an agent of our party, Tito mio," said Giannozzo Pucci, who was more fraternal and less patronising in his manner than Tornabuoni, "I could have wished your skill to have been employed in another way, for which it is still better fitted.

Lorenzo Pucci's brother Giannozzo was married to Lucrezia Bini, a Florentine, who is mentioned later in this same letter. By the end of the year 1493 Alexander had amply provided for all his children. Cæsar was a cardinal, Giovanni was a duke in Spain, and Giuffrè was soon to become a Neapolitan prince.

His contemporaries, Niccolo Niccoli, Giannozzo Manetti, Donato Acciaiuoli, and Pope Nicholas V, united to a many-sided humanism profound biblical scholarship and deep piety. In Vittorino da Feltre the same temper has been already noticed. The same Maffeo Vegio, who added a thirteenth book to the Aeneid, had an enthusiasm for the memory of St.

"Ah, yes!" said Giannozzo Pucci, "lead the last chorus from Poliziano's `Orfeo, that you have found such an excellent measure for, and we will all fall in: "`Ciascum segua, o Bacco, te: Bacco, Bacco, evoe, evoe!" The servant put the lute into Tito's hands, and then said something in an undertone to his master.

He never regained more than a semblance of health, and his madness having run its course, his passion for Momola turned to hate of the poor girl to whom he ascribed his destruction. Giannozzo, meanwhile, terrified by the report that the Duke had winded the intrigue, and fearing to be charged with connivance, thought to prove his innocence by casting off his wife and disowning her child.

He learned by heart the whole 'neid and many speeches of Livy, chiefly on the way between Florence and his country house at Trebbio. Antiquity was represented in another and higher sense by Giannozzo Manetti . Precocious from his first years, he was hardly more than a child when he had finished his apprenticeship in commerce and became bookkeeper in a bank.

"And that is not unlikely to be a true foreboding of Antonio's," said Giannozzo Pucci.