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Some luscious perfume hung about her, intoxicatingly sweet. A thick, braided clump of hair was looped on each side of the small face painted white as ivory, and her eyes, under lashes half an inch long, were bright and unhuman as those of an untamed gazelle. "Wilt thou sit down?" she asked, waving the hand with the cigarette towards a French chair, upholstered in red brocade.

Ben had never heard of an antelope, though he had of a gazelle; and if I had called it by this name he might have agreed with me. An "ant'lope," however, he knew nothing about; and as his hunter-pride would have been offended by contradiction, I allowed him to persist in calling it a deer. "Ay, ay! it be a deer, Will," he said, emphatically, as we walked away from it "nothin' else, my boy.

"Yes, mother, Toby is henceforth to be divided between us." "Divided?" "Yes; that is, he is to be nominally mine, but virtually to belong to us both. Is it not so, Miss Wolston?" "Yes, Master Fritz." On his side, Jack had approached Miss Sophia. "So you won't give me your gazelle?" he whispered. "No, certainly not, Mr.

Seeing this, the gazelle timidly advanced its little nose and touched his finger. He scratched gently! Spunkie seemed to like it. He scratched progressively up its forehead. Spunkie evidently enjoyed it. He scratched behind its ear, and the victory was gained! The gazelle, dismissing all fear, advanced and rubbed its graceful head on his shoulder.

We came upon a herd of small deer, called ebba, which are a little larger than the gazelle, but they soon bounded beyond our pursuit, leaving us scarcely time to admire their delicate make and unapproachable speed. We crossed a range of hills into another plain, at the extremity of which lies Ghafsa.

An ass, a lion, a crocodile, and an ape are represented in the act of giving a vocal and instrumental concert; a lion and a gazelle play at draughts; the Pharaoh of all the rats, in a chariot drawn by dogs, gallops to the assault of a fortress garrisoned by cats; a cat of fashion, with a flower on her head, has come to blows with a goose, and the hapless fowl, powerless in so unequal a contest, topples over with terror.

Similarly those animals which graze, like the sheep, the antelope and the gazelle, consort in the greatest amity, intimacy and unity while living in their plains and prairies in a condition of complete contentment. But dogs, wolves, tigers, hyenas and those other beasts of prey, are alienated from each other as they hunt and roam about alone.

Their fare was scant and simple: bread baked upon the spot, the dried tongue of a gazelle, the coffee of the neighbouring Mocha, and the pipe that ever consoles, if indeed the traveller, whatever his hardships, could need any sustenance but his own high thoughts in such a scene, canopied, too, by the most beautiful sky and the most delicious climate in the world.

To compare this poem with Byron's poetry say with parts of 'Childe Harold, or 'The Prisoner of Chillon, or with some of his shorter poems would be like comparing the most perfect mechanical device with a graceful animal say the mechanical imitation of a tiger or a gazelle with the living original; the first a wonderfully moving piece of machinery, illustrating the limit of human constructive power; perfectly under control, the movements smooth, unvarying, rhythmical, charming, excelling in agility and power its living prototype but still, scientific to the discerning eye, artful.

And the man with the cage took out a gazelle, and held it out, saying, 'Take this one, master! And the beggar took it and carried it to the dust-heap, where he scratched carefully till he found a few grains of corn, which he divided with his gazelle. This he did night and morning, till five days went by. Then, as he slept, the gazelle woke him, saying, 'Master.