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As if a married woman, whose husband was interested in the Government, could not be civil to the representative of a friendly power?" Mr. Gashwiler did not see how Mr. Hopkinson's late contract for supplying salt pork and canned provisions to the army of the United States should make his wife susceptible to the advances of foreign princes; but he prudently kept that to himself.

Mr. Gashwiler gallantly protested. "No! I am serious! I was so agitated: he must have seen me blush." Nothing but the gross flattery to this speech could have clouded its manifest absurdity to the Gashwiler consciousness. But Mr. Gashwiler had already succumbed to the girlish half-timidity with which it was uttered. Nevertheless, he could not help saying: "But why should he be so jealous now?

"The other side!" repeated Gashwiler vacantly. "Yes, she's a niece of Garcia's. A little she devil." "But Garcia's on our side," rejoined Gashwiler. "Yes, but she is bought by the Ring." "A woman!" sneered Mr. Gashwiler; "what can she do with men who won't be made fools of? Is she so handsome?"

And Baird had spoken of the Montague girl as his leading lady quite as if he were a star. And seventy-five dollars a week! A sum Gashwiler had made him work five weeks for. Now he had something big to write to his old friend, Tessie Kearns. She might spread the news in Simsbury, he thought. He contrived a close-up of Gashwiler hearing it, of Mrs. Gashwiler hearing it, of Metta Judson hearing it.

After church he ate a lonely meal served by Metta Judson at the Gashwiler residence. The Gashwilers were on their accustomed Sabbath visit to the distant farm of Mrs. Gashwiler's father. But as he ate he became conscious that the Gashwiler influence was not wholly withdrawn.

"Yeah, I could see that Baxter business was a blow to you, Kid. You'd kind of worshiped her, hadn't you?" "Well, I yes, in a sort of way " "Of course you did; it was very nice of you " She reached over to pat his hand. "Mother understands just how you felt, watching the films back there in Gooseberry " He had quit trying to correct her as to Gashwiler and Simsbury.

And ever and again she would have Merton Gill assure her that he hadn't forgotten the home address, the town where lived Gighampton or Gumwash or whoever it was that held the good old job open for him. He had divined that it was a jest of some sort when she warned him not to forget the address and he would patiently smile at this, but he always put her right about the name of Gashwiler.

"Humph!" said Gashwiler, unbitten by this irony. "I guess the old way's good enough, long's our prices are always right. Don't forget to put on that canned salmon. I had that in stock for nearly a year now and say it's twenty cents 'a' can, not 'the' can. Also say it's a grand reduction from thirty-five cents." That was always the way. You never could please the old grouch.

Well, that's a good thing to remember, because the picture game is a hard game. I wouldn't discourage a nice clean boy like you for the world, but there are a lot of people in pictures right now that would prefer a steady job like that one you left." "It's Gashwiler that name." "Oh, all right, just so you don't forget it and forget the address." The new applicant warmly reassured her.

Her mother's name was Cleo, Her father's name was Pat; They called her Cleopatra, And let it go at that. From the dressing room the following morning, arrayed in the Buck Benson outfit, unworn since that eventful day on the Gashwiler lot, Merton accompanied Baird to a new set where he would work that day.