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"He's safe, safe, safe, Miss Galland! He was not hit! He is on his way back and ought to be here very soon!" She heard herself saying "Thank you!" But that was not for some time. The aide was already gone. He had had his thanks in the effect of the news, which made him think that a chief of staff should not receive congratulations for victory alone. Lanny would return through the garden.

"I hope you can. It is a chance that might turn the scales of victory a chance that hangs in my mind stubbornly, as if there were some fate in it. Luck, old boy!" "Luck to you, Lanny! Luck and promotion!" They threw their arms about each other in a vigorous embrace. "And you will keep watch that Mrs. Galland and Marta are in no danger?" "Trust me for that, too!"

And Hugo Galland Beyond question the mere list of the corporations in which Hugo was director or large stockholder would make him absurd as a judge, sitting in that district. And Hugo the son-in-law of the most offensive capitalist in that section of the State! And the deal with House, endorsed by Kelly how nasty that would look, IF Victor had the proofs. IF Victor had the proofs. But had he?

He turned his face with a kind of resolution, appealing in its starkness, toward the battle and his glance rested on the battery and the shattered regiment of infantry in the fields opposite the Galland gate, under a canopy of shrapnel smoke, bravely holding their ground. "I should be there. That is the place for me!" he exclaimed with a trace of his old forcefulness.

Feller brought it to Mrs. Galland. "Yes, it was Colonel Lanstron," she said, after reading the message. "The message says: 'Hello, Marta! Any other officer would have said: 'How do you do, Miss Galland! He could not have known that she was away.

An hour or more of intermittent firing passed in the suspense of listening to a trickle of water undermining a dam. Then, with the roar of waters carrying away the dam, a cataract of shell fire broke and continued in far heavier volume than that of the first attack. "The last war was nothing like this!" murmured Mrs. Galland.

It is a time when only efficiency must be considered." "Then I have made good! Then I've been worthy of my opportunity! I'd rather be a good gunner than a king. I'll eat this new work and smack my lips for more. Tell Miss Galland that every shell that hits the mark is a thought from the old gardener for her. Six weeks ago trimming rose-bushes and now this is life! La, la, la!

If a first attack on a position failed, the wires from the Galland house repeated their orders to concentrate more guns and attack again. In the end the Browns always yielded, but grudgingly, calculatingly, never being taken by surprise. The few of them who fell prisoners said, "God with us! We shall win in the end!" and answered no questions.

"We have four rooms in the baron's tower and a kitchen stove," Marta proceeded. "With Minna we can make ourselves very comfortable and leave the house to the staff." "The Gallands in their gardener's quarters! The staff of the Grays in ours! Your father will turn in his grave!" Mrs. Galland exclaimed.

In order to ascertain the real cause of this apparent change, he sowed in alternate rows in a field, the "Galland" and one of the local varieties. The "Galland" is a race with obvious characters and was easily distinguished from the other at the time when the heads were ripe. They are bearded when flowering, but afterwards throw off the awns.