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Gabb mentions a case of epistaxis in which the blood welled up through the lacrimal ducts and suffused into the eye so that it was constantly necessary to wipe the lower eyelid, and the discharge ceased only when the nose stopped bleeding.

Many other guests of less note were there, but the lions of the evening were the two Professors whom we have already met with, and more particularly Hanky, who took the Mayoress in to dinner. Panky, of course, wore his clothes reversed, as did Principal Crank and Professor Gabb; the others were dressed English fashion.

Principal Crank: . . . "The Manager was so tall, you know, and then there was that little mite of an assistant manager it was so funny. For the assistant manager's voice was ever so much louder than the . . . " Mrs. Bawl to Professor Gabb: . . . "Live for art! If I had to choose whether I would lose either art or science, I have not the smallest hesitation in saying that I would lose . . . "

Quack; Professors Gabb and Bawl, with their wives and two or three erudite daughters. Old Mrs. In society she was commonly known as Ydgrun, so perfectly did she correspond with the conception of this strange goddess formed by the Erewhonians. She was one of those who had visited my father when he was in prison twenty years earlier.

M. Gabb, "On the Indian Tribes and Languages of Costa Rica," Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society held at Philadelphia, xiv. Similarly, after a Brahman boy has been invested with the sacred thread, he is for three days strictly forbidden to see the sun. Edgar Thurston, op. cit. iii. 218. Edgar Thurston, op. cit. vi. 157.

Gabb took down some dusty blow-guns amid cries of bu-ku-rú from the Indians. Some weeks afterwards a boy died, and the Indians firmly believed that the bu-ku-rú of the blow-guns had killed him.

No hevenin' dress, o' course? Mr. W. Of course. I I'll look out for you. But I'm seldom in hardly ever, in fact. The S.S. Don't you fret about that. Me and my friends ain't nothing partickler to do just now. We'll wait for yer. I should like yer to know ole BILL GABB. You should 'ear that feller goin' on agin the GUELPHS when he's 'ad a little booze it 'ud do your 'art good!

The King, with whom the appointment rested, was so much pleased with this answer that he gave Hanky the professorship without so much as looking . . . " Professor Gabb to Mrs. Humdrum: "Oh no, I can assure you there is no truth in it. What happened was this.

Gabb; he is a Boanerges, a perfect Niagara, for his torrent of words; such momentum in his delivery; it is as rapid as it's strong; it's enough to knock a man down. He can speak seven hours running without fatigue; and last year he went through England, delivering through the length and breadth of the land, one, and one only, awful protest against the apocalyptic witch of Endor.

Gabb, were so damaged by the mere echo, that one forthwith took to his bed and the other has walked on crutches ever since." He stopped awhile; then he continued: "And what was it, do you think, Mr. Reding, which had this effect on them? Why, it was Mr. Gabb's notion about the sign of the beast in the Revelation: he proved, Mr.