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Wide horizons, infinitely clear a blazing intensity of light, beating on the palace, the gardens, the statues, and the distant water of the 'Canal de Versailles' each tint and outline, sharp and vehement, full-bodied and rich the greenest greens, the bluest blues, the most dazzling gold: this was Versailles, as Eugénie saw it, on this autumn day.

An electrical shock flashed through the company when the General picked up one of the biggest nuggets and threw it down with a rich, full-bodied thud. "That one is four ounces." He took up another. "This is worth about sixty dollars." "More like forty," said Dillon.

"I looked down on Bedford as a trivial, incidental thing with which I chanced to be connected," Bedford, unfortunately for my moral, was a poor creature who got no benefit from his privilege, who flouted it indeed and regretted his inability "to recover the full-bodied self-satisfaction of his early days."

When Tussmann, at Leonhard's instigation, had taken two or three glasses of the full-bodied wine, his pale cheeks began to glow, and as he swallowed the liquor, he glanced about him with smirks and smiles, as if the most delightful ideas were rising in his brain. "And now," Leonhard said, "tell me openly and candidly, Mr.

But you listened to these tales over a cup of tea in the drawing-room, or between the soup and the roast beef at the dinner-table, and they were not convincing. How were these ruddy-cheeked, full-bodied, hospitable personages who sat about you to be held compatible with the romantic periods and characters that they described?

He was a full-bodied, handsome, amiable-looking old fellow, whose breath came in quick sighs with this light exertion. He had a blond complexion, and what was left of his hair, a sort of ethereal down on the top of his head, and some cherished fringes at the temples, was turning the yellowish grey that blond hair becomes.

At length came three days of steady rain, followed by cloudless sunshine and full-bodied, vigorous winds straight from out the south. Instantly the living embers in tree top and grass plat were fanned to flame. Like veritable fire, the leaves blazed up. Branch after branch caught and crackled; even the dryest, the deadest, were enfolded in the resistless swirl of green.

M. le Duc d'Orleans was, at the most, of mediocre stature, full-bodied without being fat; his manner and his deportment were easy and very noble; his face was broad and very agreeable, high in colour; his hair black, and wig the same.

Never in his life had he seen a river before this sleek, sinuous, full-bodied animal, chasing and chuckling, gripping things with a gurgle and leaving them with a laugh, to fling itself on fresh playmates that shook themselves free, and were caught and held again. All was a-shake and a-shiver glints and gleams and sparkles, rustle and swirl, chatter and bubble.

And she sent for Dr Stirling, the aged Harrop's Scotch partner. Dr Stirling, who was full-bodied and left little space for anybody else in the tiny, shabby bedroom of the man with four thousand a year, gazed at Mrs Machin, and he gazed also at Denry. "Ye must go to bed this minute," said he. "But he's in bed," cried Mrs Machin. "I mean yerself," said Dr Stirling.