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"I wish I had been all over the world, like you," she said. "Have you never been abroad, Froken Uthoug?" he asked. "I spent a winter in Berlin, once, and a few months in South Germany. I played the violin a little, you see; and I hoped to take it up seriously abroad and make something of it but " "Well, why shouldn't you?"

"And where are you going then?" "To the farm just by. Grindhusen's fixed it up for us to go and dig potatoes there...." Then came the work in the kitchen; I had to saw through the floor there. Froken Elisabeth came in once or twice while I was there; it could hardly have been otherwise, seeing it was the kitchen.

"Yes," put in Peer eagerly; "hear me say a poem." And before Klaus could protest, he had begun to recite. When he had finished, Klaus sat for a while in silence, chewing his quid. "H'm!" he said at last, "if our last teacher, Froken Zebbelin, could have heard that English of yours, we'd have had to send for a nurse for her, hanged if we wouldn't!" This was too much.

The gardener from time to time missed some of his choicest flowers, or several of the largest and ripest peaches; but, what was most wonderful, these were often found in the morning in Fröken Mette's chamber, whence it was reasonably concluded that the lady stood high in the good graces of the beforementioned Nisse.

But next morning we had to put it off again; Froken Elisabeth was going in to the store to buy no end of things, and I was to go with her and carry them. "Good," said I, "I'll come on after." Strange girl! had she thought to put up with my company on the way? She said: "But do you think you can find the way alone?" "Surely; I've been there before. It's where we buy our things."

"The girl is the very image of mother, that's certain what if she were to go the same way? Well, no, that she shall not. You're surely man enough to see to that. Nothing of that sort shall happen, my dear Froken Hagen." They saw but little of each other during the day, though, for they were apart from early in the morning till he came home in the evening.

Therefore the doctor had to repeat his invitation several times before the boy took his seat at the table, and the awkwardness of his movements caused "Froken," or Miss Kajsa, to cast upon him more than one ironical glance during the repast. However, his journey had sharpened his appetite, and this was of great assistance to him.

Froken Elisabeth rang off, and said shortly: "She had to go and see some friends." We went back to our seat, and had some more wine; I tried to be cheerful, and suggested champagne. Yes, thanks. And then, as we're sitting there, Frokenen says suddenly: "Oh, there's Bewer! I'm so glad we're drinking champagne."

He's the one that sings." How I hated myself now for having talked so much, instead of reading her wish! But at least I would show her that I understood the hint. And, moreover, it was Froken Elisabeth and no other I was in love with; she was not full of changing humours, and was just as pretty as the other ay, a thousand times prettier.

Now, I couldn't well walk through all the village in my working things all messed up with clay: I put on my best trousers, but kept my blouse on over. So I walked on behind. It was a couple of miles or more; the last part of the way I caught sight of Froken Elisabeth on ahead now and again, but I took care not to come up close.