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Pindar has always had, in a practical way, the welfare of his working people at heart, and now he proposes to establish a free hospital for them and to put Dr. Pindar in charge of it. This will give him a good living as well as a definite standing in the community, which he needs also. MINNIE. He's the biggest man in Foxon Falls today! AUGUSTA. That is as one thinks.

The country's going to the dogs. I don't know what will straighten it out. DR. JONATHAN. Intelligence, open-mindedness, cooperation, Asher. Hum! You don't remember me, Timothy? TIMOTHY. Sure and I do, sir, though you were only a little lad. You mind me of your father, your smile, like. He was the grand, simple man! It's happy I am to see you back in Foxon Falls.

Well, I shan't forget what you've done, Minnie. I didn't come back to Foxon Falls to talk to you again, Mrs. Pindar. I'm sorry, but I've got to go. AUGUSTA. Where? MINNIE. You didn't care yesterday why should you care today? I ought to tell you that Dr. Pindar has declined Mr. Pindar's offer. MINNIE. He isn't going to take charge of the hospital? AUGUSTA. No.

MINNIE. There wasn't anything providential about it. I took the six o'clock train to Newcastle this morning. Not that I had any notion of staying there. I ran into Prag at the station. I nursed his wife, you know and he started in to tell me how he was coming up to Foxon Falls to shoot Mr. Pindar because he'd closed down the works rather than recognize the union.

I shan't forget it. MINNIE. I want you to forget it. I wouldn't like to see anybody hurt. AUGUSTA. But how did you happen to be here in Foxon Falls? MINNIE. Oh, I didn't mean to come back. I'm going away again. AUGUSTA. I have no right to ask you to go away, now. ASHER. What's this? Did you ask Minnie to leave Foxon Falls? AUGUSTA. Asher, I'd like to talk with Minnie, if you don't mind.

The girl has just given you the strongest proof of an inherent goodness, and you choose to call her bad. But if you will not listen to Moses and the prophets, how will you listen to Christ? AUGUSTA. Jonathan! Where are you going? DR. JONATHAN. To find Minnie Farrell and bring her back to Foxon Falls. AUGUSTA sits for a while, motionless, and then makes an attempt to go on with her knitting.

DR. JONATHAN. I shan't interfere with Dr. Senn. Mother feels personally responsible for every man, woman and child in Foxon Falls. I shouldn't worry about Dr. Jonathan if I were you, mother, I've got a notion he can take care of himself. I must get these socks finished for you to take with you, my dear. Where's the life-preserving suit I sent for? Oh that's gone, mother.