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I suppose the Queen will have to make up her mind to a ministry composed of men she abhors; but the majority will have in it inherent weakness and the seeds of dissolution. I have found it difficult to say anything about the elections and have been as short as possible. From a somewhat different point of view, he wrote a few days later to Lord Derby: Foxholes, July 22nd.

But he will have some troublesome outsiders. Foxholes, September 7th. We shall stay here till October 6th, when I mean to come to London for two or three days, on our way to Knowsley. The world seems fast asleep after the excitement of the summer, and people have nothing to talk or write about but the cholera which is not amusing. Osborne, August 21st.

I resigned the Registrarship of the Privy Council, which I had held, as Clerk of Appeals and Registrar, since November 17th, 1837. The rest of the year at Foxholes.

Lady Ashburnham told us that old women had, in our time, asked for leave to spread the cloth which is with it over children to cure the King's evil. He gave 3,000 L for a manuscript bible, but that we did not see. February 3rd Lady Smith died at Lowestoft, aged 103 and 9 months. March 13th Tennyson dined at The Club; Archbishop and Chancellor there. 16th To Foxholes. April 14th, back to town.

Mr. Gladstone attended; Lord Derby, Maine, Hewett, Tyndall, Coleridge. Matthew Arnold elected. March 23rd. Electrical Exhibition at Crystal Palace, with Dr. Mann. April 1st. To Foxholes. Very fine weather. No rain for three months. To Mr. T. Norton Longman Foxholes, April 4th. I like the concluding pages by Froude in the Carlyle book, but I am disappointed in Mrs. Carlyle's letters.

It is true that, by employing troops and Turkomans, the work may be done cheaply; but all this will take a long time. I am very glad you touch on the question between France and Siam: it is a serious one. In the early days of July the Reeves settled down for the summer at Foxholes, avoiding the great heat, with the thermometer at 80 deg. F. when in London it was reaching as high as 93 deg.

All to Norwich, to stay with Dean Goulburn at the Deanery. I had scarcely been there for fifty years. Dr. Jessop, Canon Heaviside, and Canon Robinson to dinner very pleasant. 9th. June. Very hot weather. 26th, dinner of the Antiquaries at Lord Carnarvon's. July 5th. Lady Northcote's garden party. Helen Blackett there, looking ill. July 13th. To Foxholes.

On the 19th he went to town, where, with the exception of some short visits to Bath or to Foxholes, he remained till June, dining several times at The Club, entertaining at home in his customary manner, and keeping up a constant almost daily correspondence, such as has been indicated, with the Longmans, for the most part with the head of the firm, whom he had known from childhood and habitually addressed by his Christian name.

I hope you will not disapprove. Believe me, yours very sincerely, On December 17th the Reeves went to Foxholes, where they spent Christmas, ushered in the New Year, and returned to London on January 15th, 1885. The entries in the Journal are for the most part trivial, though politically the year was one of extreme interest and excitement, much of which is reflected in the correspondence.

This question is precisely the crux or test of Whig and Tory principles; it is the old fight of parliamentary power against prerogative. There has not been in England, for a hundred years, a minister so indifferent to Parliament and so subservient to the Court as Lord Beaconsfield. Foxholes, July 16th.