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Updated: August 25, 2024

Whole clusters of anecdotes gather round the cartoons, which, as they have to do with the work and not the worker, I leave untouched, with regret. But I must forewarn my readers by mentioning some of the refuted criticisms which have been applied to the cartoons.

Oh! by thy right hand and thy father's ashes, lose not a moment!" 'Great Jove! exclaimed Sallust, starting, 'and this day nay, within this hour, perhaps, he dies. What is to be done? I will instantly to the praetor. 'Nay; not so. Besides, the publicity of the appeal would forewarn the cunning Egyptian. It is evident that he has some interest in these concealments.

But after all, every one in this world has his own fate intrusted to himself; and though we may warn, and forewarn, and give sage advice, and indulge in many apprehensions touching our friends; yet our friends, for the most part, will "gang their ain gate;" and the most we can do is, to hope for the best.

How they rejoiced again to meet Evangelist, and listen to his encouraging and animating exhortations; of which, as they were now near the great town of Vanity Fair, they would stand in special need. Indeed, it was to forewarn them of what they were to meet with there, and to exhort them, amidst all persecutions, to quit themselves like men, that Evangelist now came to them.

In fine, my hope of detaching this lady from Peschiera's interests, and inducing her to forewarn us of his purpose, consists but in the innocent, and, I hope, laudable artifice, of redeeming herself, of appealing to, and calling into disused exercise, the better springs of her nature."

From the fact of Stebbins having sent a message to forewarn him, of this visit, he knew that the schoolmaster had some business with him of more than usual importance; and it was a view to ascertain the nature of this business, and relieve himself from suspense, that the interrogatory was put.

The cautionary tale of east Germany smothered by western red tape and lethargy should forewarn every new member and aspiring candidate. They need to join the European Union in the hope of helping to reform it from the inside. They should not succumb to the allure of German largesse, nor acquire the French, Spanish, Greek and Portuguese addiction to it. They cannot afford to.

We cannot forewarn the people now, but at least inform the troops at the palace, so that they, too, should not give way to panic." Ramses clapped his hands. "Ah, it is too bad!" whispered he, and added aloud. "When will it be, and what will take place?" "Day will become night," said Pentuer. "This will last as much time, perhaps, as is needed in walking five hundred yards.

Perhaps I had, better forewarn you a little, and so forearm you. What are you going to do with your beauty?" "Why, auntie, how funny you talk! What should I do with it, granting that it has any existence save in your fond eyes?" "Suppose you use it to make men better, instead of to make them merely admire you.

The knight responded, "After having lost all that made life dear to me I have no motive to avoid the dangers of the enterprise, and I will do as you request; but I forewarn you of the perils you will have to encounter. If you fall impute it not to me."

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