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And this fatalism again is subtly connected with New England's ancestral creed Calvinism. Hawthorne it has been pointed out a hundred times is the Puritan romancer. His tales are tales of the conscience: he is obsessed with the thought of sin, with the doctrines of foreordination and total depravity.

She seemed to be quite as determined as ever, and before we left that beautiful spot she offered up a prayer to Heaven for thee." "I will see her then," replied Elfonzo, "though legions of enemies may oppose. She is mine by foreordination she is mine by prophesy she is mine by her own free will, and I will rescue her from the hands of her oppressors.

It was translated into Welsh, and is worthy an attentive perusal, especially by those who cannot see the difference between God's foreknowledge and his foreordination. A new era was now dawning upon him, which, during the last ten years of his life, added tenfold to his popularity. For many years his beautifully simple, but splendid allegory, The Pilgrim's Progress, lay slumbering in his drawer.

It was just inevitable, like a lot of things known in that rock-ribbed and fatalistic region as immutably decreed by heaven as foreordination and the damnation of unbaptized babes. The Hayneses had just "got it hard." Yet there were times, now he was come to a gangling fourteen, when Luke's philosophy threatened to fail him. It wasn't fair so it wasn't!

Foreordination is a cause antedating an event. Foreknowledge is an effect, not of something that is going to occur, which would be absurd, but the effect of its being going to occur. IX. Those who cherish the opposite opinion may be very good citizens. X. Old shoes are easiest, because they have accommodated themselves to the feet.

In his discourses he ignored all questions of theology, such as faith, free-will, foreordination, the final perseverance of the saints, and such like, and got right down to matters involved in our every-day life.

If the matter ended merely with the weapons of wordy warfare, it was fortunate and well, for these eyes have seen a camp-meeting where singletrees, neck-yokes, harness-tugs and scalding water augmented arguments concerning foreordination as taught by John Calvin and freewill as defined by John Knox.

On the banks of this, and nearly in the center of the town, was a village, or "town center," as it was called, containing two churches, an academy and several stores. In one of these churches, Rev. Jonas Jotham expounded the orthodox Congregational faith, including predestination, foreordination, and all creation, and in the other Rev.

It was the everlasting Song of To-morrow, always the one tune set to changing ideals. It was the same idea as the philosophy about each man's "interpretation" of the story already written, which Conning had reflected upon so often. At this time Truedale believed he firmly accepted the principle of foreordination, or whatever one chose to call it.

While I cannot understand the "problems of his providence," I am sure that "the Judge of all the earth will do right." As to the perplexities that have grown out of the ideas of God's foreknowledge, foreordination, etc., my view is that no such a thing as foreknowledge can be attributed to God. To do so is to attribute to him time limitations.