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The aggageers now carefully flayed it, and divided the tough hide into portions accurately measured for shields.

I do not think there was any great suffering in this motion the torments that are the most dreadful to look on are not always the greatest to endure; and I find those that other historians relate to have been practised by him upon the Epirot lords, are more horrid and cruel, where they were condemned to be flayed alive piecemeal, after so malicious a manner that they continued fifteen days in that misery.

She might move, of course; so might she be flayed alive; but she was not likely to survive either operation. The room, though far less important to her happiness than the view, was as much a part of her existence. She had lived in it seventeen years.

In the strength of a warrior, undaunted he left us, to fight by the side of the Chiefs! His war-whoop was shrill! His rifle well aimed laid his enemies low: his tomahawk drank of their blood: and his knife flayed their scalps while yet covered with gore! And why do we mourn? Though he fell on the field of the slain, with glory he fell, and his spirit went up to the land of his fathers in war!

They now dismounted, and turned their camels to graze, when the magician took out of his package three loaves and a sum of water, after which he lighted a fire; then having beat his talismanic drum, the camels again appeared, the smallest of which he killed, embowelled, and carefully flayed off the skin, the inside of which he washed with water.

There they were, of all kinds, the remnants of stores from seven voyages. They lay in a solid mass more inabordable than a hedgehog. We hesitated, yearning for a shovel, while Jimmy below us yelled as though he had been flayed. Groaning, we dug our fingers in, and very much hurt, shook our hands, scattering nails and drops of blood.

Dead animals are not allowed to be brought into the city, but are flayed in the country, where are also our manufactories and other establishments, in which everything valuable in the carcase of the beast can be readily utilised. Some of our beasts are unlike yours, but the greater number are similar, though in many of these, the nature of the animal may be somewhat different.

It beat pitilessly on the bare bodies of the men huddled together on the rocking keel of the boat. First it warmed them pleasantly, and then it scorched and flayed them, aided as it was by the fierce reflection thrown back from the salt waters. For a day and a night they suffered all the agonies of exposure in the tropics.

Do you think y'r beasts will stand crossing before sunset?" "It's about as easy going ahead as standing still. If we only had a water canteen, it wouldn't be such a fool-thing to risk." The wind flayed them with hot peppering sand. "If we took time to go back for one now, this wind would wipe out the tracks." "What's yon splash o' dust goin' over the roll o' th' hill?"

"Fellow," said Omar sternly, "dost know that I have power to have thee flayed alive without consulting thy master?" "Nay, not without consulting my master," said Baba, bowing respectfully, "for my master is before me!"