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For his face was quite livid and streaked with blood, his hands groped blindly, beating the air, he staggered at each blow. The whip fell flail-like, with absolute precision and regularity. It spared no part of him. His coat was nearly torn off. In one place, on the shoulder, the white shirt was exposed, and this also was streaked with blood. Ernestine crouched under the tree and watched.

Then she knew that, so handicapped, she could never reach them, and with shaking, fumbling fingers she set herself to unfasten the straps that bound the skis. It took her a long, long time all the longer for her fevered haste. And still that awful, flail-like sound went on and on, though all sound of voices had wholly ceased. Free at last, she stumbled to her feet, and tore madly up the hill.

With a faint sigh of lingering annoyance she began to read. But the piercing, feline voice soon pounded flail-like into her consciousness, scattering her thoughts with ruthless insistence. "Of course," it asserted, "it was the only thing he could possibly do. No man with any decent feeling could have done otherwise. But it was a little hard on him. Surely you agree with me there?"

Unable to endure the suspense, she straightened her bowed shoulders and turned in convulsive appeal to where she had glimpsed the flail-like rise and fall of Sister Agnetia's serge-clad arm. There was no one there! The bare, cell-like chamber was empty, save for herself.

In mild cases this condition of affairs may persist for months; in severe cases destructive changes ensue with remarkable rapidity. The joint is wobbly or flail-like from stretching and destruction of the controlling ligaments, and is devoid of sensation.

Then, as he threw his arms about Fabia, and tried to raise her to her feet, he saw the giant Dumnorix, with his flail-like sword, rushing back to the rescue. Four brigands lay dead in the atrium and none of the others dared look the redoubtable Greek swordsman in the eyes; but Dumnorix came on the incarnation of brute fury.

No, it was no ordinary thing, this fearsome monster. It advanced a little nearer, stopped again, then rushed straight at him. Laurence stepped aside just in time to avoid the open jaws, but too late entirely to escape the great flail-like tentacle, which swept him from his feet, right under the horror, pinioning for a moment his arms. Then, by a tremendous effort, he threw himself partly upwards.

The next moment, reaching over the fence, he brought down the trunk on Last Bull's hump with such a terrible flail-like blow that the great buffalo stumbled forward upon his knees. He was up again in an instant and hurling himself madly against the inexorable steel which separated him from his foe.

"I'm going to make you eat that speech about any woman making things look smooth if she's interested." "You go on home or I'll break you in two," said Tenlow. Collie's reply was a flail-like blow between Tenlow's eyes. The deputy staggered, gritted his teeth, and flung himself at the younger man. The fight was unequal from the beginning.

It was like the spring of an animal of a leopard or a bull-dog combining the lightning swiftness of the one with the grim, fell ferocity of purpose of the other. The powerful rowdy was lying upon his back in the red dust, swinging flail-like blows into empty air, and upon him, in leopard-like crouch, pressing him to the earth, the man whom he had so wantonly attacked.