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Barry glances at his polished nails doubtful but allows he could if it's in the line of duty. "It is," says I. "I'm goin' to sacrifice some of my red hair on the altar of human freedom. Come along." So, all unsuspectin' where he was goin', I leads him down into Otto's barber shop. And I must say, as a raid in force, it was more or less of a fizzle.

Instead of waiting until the Committee was properly armed and had seized Kruger, he suddenly crossed the border with his forces. The Raid was a fizzle and the commander and all his men were captured by the Boers. This abortive attempt was the real prelude to the Boer War, which came four years later.

But I can see that somebody has got to put a breath of naturalness into those ladies' aid society women, or this part of the picture will be a fizzle." "And our Ruth," drawled Jennie, "is going to prescribe one of her famous cure-alls, is she?" "I believe I can make them look less like a lot of dummies while they are cutting out rompers for cannibal island pickaninnies," laughed Ruth.

When he did it, all the little words inside of me began to foam and fizzle like sedlitz; out they came, biting, in mouthfuls, and streams, and squirts, backwards, sideways, and through my nose. "'Here! you infernal half-spiled, dog-robbing walloper, I says; 'you don't know enough to drive puddle ducks to a pond. You quit heaving that quirt or I'll harm you past healing.

While they listened to the continuous crackling as of damp sticks in a huge bonfire, few among them realised that the sounds indicated anything more serious than a Boer demonstration which would fizzle out quickly, and even when bullets began to fall in the town itself, or went whistling away overhead, the only comment made was that Mauser rifles must have a marvellous range if they could send bullets so far beyond the ridge aimed at.

"Well, well!" said Loubet, "their fireworks are a fizzle!" "They ought to take them in out of the rain," sneered Chouteau. Even Rochas thought it necessary to say something. "Didn't I tell you that the dunderheads don't know enough even to point a gun?"

"And the best of the joke is," commented Jud, with a grin, "that lots of the good folks at home right now are looking up at those same black clouds, and pitying us boys. They don't realize how we're just praying that the rain won't turn out a fizzle, after all. Wasn't that a drop I felt?"

Thay sed I could go in an' vinish the sausingers now, an' that wur what I intended to do. I asked the young 'ooman for a bottle o' ale, when she put a tallish bottle down wi' a beg head; an' as I wur dry I knocked the neck off, an' the ale kum a-fizzing out like ginger pop, an' 'twer no use to try to stop the fizzle. I had aal I could get in a glass, an' it zeemed goodish.

The "army of education" was proving too powerful for them. And they felt that at the coming election the decline of their power would be apparent unless something drastic were done. They had attempted it in the riot. The riot had been a fizzle thanks to the interposition of the personal ambition of the until then despised "holy boy," David Hull.

You fellows shall see him for yourselves. I find him interesting enough." "The whole thing," the editor declared, "will fizzle out. You see if it doesn't? A man who's just spent ten or twelve years in prison isn't likely to run any risk of going there again. There will be no tragedy; more likely reconciliation." "Perhaps," Aynesworth said imperturbably.