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"Lorsque je fis insérer dans le journal de physique de l'année 1780, au mois de Janvier, une Dissertation contenant la classification des mines de manganèse, je ne connoissois point,

Cela reserra beaucoup nos liens d'intimite avec Jenkin. . . . Je fis inviter mon ami au congres de l'ASSOCIATION FRANCAISE POUR L'AVANCEMENT DES SCIENCES, qui se tenait a Rheims en 1880. Il y vint. J'eus le plaisir de lui donner la parole dans la section du genie civil et militaire, que je presidais.

J'achetai un petit cheval, qui se trouva très-bon. Avant de partir je le fis ferrer

One of the most celebrated of the works belonging to this class of so-called "visionary" writings is the Fis or "Vision" which goes under the name of the famous Irish saint, Adamnan, who was poetically entitled the "High Scholar of the Western World."

Au sortir de Tharse je fis encore trois lieues Françaises

«§ 648. Mon but principal dans la premiere course que je fis au Bréven étoit de prendre de l

He blue in de face an' dance de quadrille on de boa'ds. He leave his cha'h, git up, an' run 'cross to de odder side de platfawm, an' shake be fis' ovah dat man's head, an' screech out how it all lies dat de slaves evah 'ceive sich a treatments. 'Dat all lies, you pu'juh! he holler. 'All lies, you misabul thief, he holler. 'All lies, an' you know it, you low-bawn slandah' an' scoun'le!

"Mass' George shoot um duck, Pomp cook um; same Pomp cook and make de cake at home. Pomp fader nebber cook. Pomp cook de fis, and de yam, and make um hominy. Pomp berry clebber 'deed, Mass' George. Ah, you try burn you 'tick an' tummle in de fire, would you, sah? No, you don't! You 'top dah an' get rock nice for Mass' George."

Ie luy fis entendre que si vn esprit, capable des choses grandes comme le sien, cognoissoit Dieu, que tous les Sauuages induis par son exemple le voudroient aussi cognoistre." Nowhere was his magic in more requisition than in procuring a successful chase to the hunters, a point of vital interest, since on it hung the lives of the whole party.

"'Je fis mes premiers vers sans savoir les ecrire." "I am not a very good French scholar, said I; perhaps you will be kind enough to translate that line for me. "'Certainly. With pleasure. I made my first verses without knowing how to write them. "How interesting! But I never heard of Louise Colet. Who was she? "My man was pleased to gi-ve me a piece of literary information.