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"Come on, then," said Joe, setting forward again, and dismissing all fears of the fire-wizard from his mind. "Let me see how much asafoetida you've got," said Sneak, after they had walked a few moments in silence. "Here it is," said Joe, unwrapping a paper containing several ounces; "but hang me, if that ain't rather too strong a joke of Mr. Boone's about its collecting the wolves.

"Though I cannot believe it will rise at your bidding," replied Glenn, "yet, should it do so, I must be permitted to regard you as being only flesh and blood, and as such, I do not hesitate to venture as much as another mortal will;" Baying which, our hero seated himself beside the reputed fire-wizard.

Mine is not yet effected I am the one who dared to face the magic swan and like me, all who come hither must remain until it shall be the pleasure of the fire-wizard to release them," said the old attendant. "Lead me to this fire-wizard!" said Glenn, firmly, stepping into the inclosure.

"I am seeking amusement," said Glenn; "and as long as I am pleased, it matters not with whom or where shall be my abode. But the moment I desire it, I will go hence." The fire-wizard motioned the attendant to withdraw, who instantly obeyed, leading Joe out at the same time, the poor fellow evincing great reluctance to be separated from Glenn.

When a certain height was attained, the wizard turned the bird in the course indicated by his companion. "What think you now of the fire-wizard!" demanded the sage, with an air of triumph.

These men cast a momentary and sullen glance at the visitors, like convicts in the penitentiary, and resumed their labours in silence. The party soon arrived at the door of the main building, when the old porter entered alone, and after remaining a few moments within, came forth and announced his readiness to conduct our hero into the presence of the fire-wizard.

"Give me your hand!" exclaimed the old man; "you are the only being that ever confronted the fire-wizard without feeling terror and for those who know not fear there is no danger. Instead of a menial, or a victim, I will make you my companion." "Thank him, Mr. Glenn," whispered Joe, "and perhaps he won't hurt us."

"Which will you try first?" demanded the fire-wizard, while a proud smile played on his lips. "Can either of them be set in motion by your art?" asked Glenn. "Both!" exclaimed the wizard.