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If not, the I.G., a second Krupp, remains in splendid isolation, secure behind our mediaeval but generous conception of munitions, for fifty per cent. of the German shell fillings, the message of their guns, were eventually provided by the I.G. It is true that they were manufactured in synthetic dye and fertiliser plants, but the explosives were none the less violent and the poison gases none the less poisonous.

Stem stitch, well known and frequently in use for various purposes, such as for lines, outlines, gradated and flat fillings, and so on, is usually done in the hand, and is quite simple; fig. 43 explains the working. If a broad line is required the needle is put in more obliquely, and a raised effect can be obtained by working over a laid thread.

A small quantity of bismuth, in the proportion of about one per cent, or less of the mixture, is added together with the sulphur. The metal may be introduced in the metallic form in the shape of fillings, or in the form of a carbonate, sulphuret, sulphate, or sulphide, or oxide, as may be most convenient.

"He thereupon took the jewels he had selected and locked them up in his dressing-case, the beautiful silver fillings of which Mr. Schwarz just caught a short glimpse of. Then, having been accommodated with paper and ink, the young jeweller made out the account and receipt, whilst M. Lambert, the secretary, counted out before him 105 crisp Bank of England notes of £100 each.

"Spanish type," said Robert tersely. "Very pleasant; smiled a lot and had gold fillings in her teeth. Must have been quite handsome when she was young." The inspector stroked his chin reflectively. "Didn't set the bag down, did you? ... when you pointed out the way, for instance?" "Let me see.... Why, yes I did. I hadn't thought of that...."

"I think the whiteness of the shadows is due to the presence of metal," Thorndyke replied. "Do you mean that the teeth have metal fillings?" asked Dr. Norbury. "Yes." "Really! This is very interesting. The use of gold stoppings and artificial teeth, too by the ancient Egyptians is well known, but we have no examples in this Museum. This mummy ought to be unrolled.

Morris flashed his gold fillings in a smile of triumphant superiority. "That ain't no customer's oitermobile, Philip," he said. "That's for us an oitermobile, what we take it out our customers riding in." "Why don't you take it out credit men from commission houses riding, Mawruss?" Philip rejoined as Morris stepped from the curb to cross the street.

This, however, brings us to the question of color in fillings, which must be treated separately. Of course, variations of all kinds can be made in washable rugs.

With open fillings the outline surrounding them must always be some firm decided line, such as is made by a band of satin or long and short stitch, or, in the case of larger forms, by several rows of different line stitches worked closely together, one inside the other, most likely in different shades of colour.

Perhaps upstairs, or maybe in the front of the hall, waiting to bring me word to serve supper." "Tell me something distinctive about this maid's appearance. Was she good-looking?" "Yes, a good-looking woman. But nothing especial about her. She had many gold fillings in her teeth " "That's something," and Lowney noted it with satisfaction. "Go on."